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against the wall by her neck, "it's fine Jungwon, I'm ok." Dohee reassured.

Heeseung softly bandaged Dohee's arm after disinfecting it, "I warned her and then she goes out and sets a werewolf on you." He yelled and angrily sat down in his chair.

"It was basic training, the same thing happened to me when I first turned." Tara spoke with a shrug. "Besides she's all good, she put up a good fight." She commented and nudged Dohee's shoulder with a proud smile.

"It doesn't matter, she could of died." Jungwon pointed out and rolled his eyes.

"She already has once, a second time wouldn't of hurt." Tara joked but Jungwon didn't look amused.

"You're ok right, Dohee?" Tara rolled her eyes and tried desperately to prove Jungwon wrong. The younger girl nodded with a soft smile.

"I'm ok, really I am." She chuckled and put her jacket back on.

"Wait Nicholas did that?" Jo questioned as the two walked beside each other in the hall.

"Yeah, he turned into his wolf form and attacked me after being ordered to." Dohee answered with a small pout.

Jo stopped walking and turned to look at her, he let out a chuckle at the sight of her pout and lifted up her head by her chin. "Fight better next time." He teased before running off to join his friends in the cafeteria.

"I didn't know you guys were close." Jungwon spoke from behind Dohee, he stood with his arms crossed and his head tilted to the left.

"What does it matter?" Dohee queried, she turned around to walk away when Jungwon pulled her back by her bag strap.

"Where are you going?"

"To study." She answered with a monotone expression.

"Dohee!" Sora shouted and ran over to her friend, Sora swung her arm over the older girls shoulder and leaned into her side.

"Should we go to the restaurant for lunch?" She wondered with a playful smile. Dohee giggled and nodded her head before following the Choi girl.

The two girls now sat opposite in the popular restaurant, each of them having a small slice of cake in front of them. "I think Jungwon likes you." Sora smirked while eating the icing off the top of her cake.

"What? No he doesn't." Dohee shook her head.

"He seems jealous of Jo, should be be?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows - making Dohee scoff and playfully nudge her.

"He shouldn't be jealous because I don't like Jo like that, we are just friends - just like me and Jungwon."

"Mhm." Sora sarcastically rolled her eyes, "would you say you're closest with him out of all of seven guys?" She asked and glanced up from her plate at Dohee.

"I don't know, i don't think about things like that." She shrugged awkwardly.

"Since when did you start hanging out with Sunghoon?" Dohee bluntly asked causing Sora to choke on her food in shock.

"Don't bother lying, I saw you guys together in the library the other day." Dohee scoffed with a small chuckle.

"He hates me, he's always avoiding me and giving me death stares." Sora explained with a gutted gaze.

"Maybe he is just nervous of you." Dohee suggested, trying to comfort her friend while knowing the real truth.

Sunghoon is weary of Sora because she looks like Sarang, it hurts him to face Sora and it takes a lot not to burst out crying whenever Sora tries to chat with him.

"I'm not sure, the whole group seem weird around me, it makes me feel misplaced." She admitted with a sad smile.

"You're not misplaced, you make me feel more comfortable when you are there and it makes everything so much funner." The two girls laughed at how serious to conversation became and quickly switched the topic to a more light hearted one.

"What are you doing here?" Jungwon asked the girl who sat reading a book on one of the library tables.

"What does it look like?" She questioned and held up her book with a lined smile.

Jungwon let out a sarcastic laugh before sitting opposite her, "it's late, shouldn't you be at home or at the dorms?" He asked - reaching over to snatch Dohee's book, so he can read it himself.

"I haven't been home in so long and being at the dorms just doesn't feel right anymore." She admitted, resting her head on her hand.

"Why haven't you been home? I heard they were all looking for you?" He asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Family issues. My parents my control my every move and won't let me live independently."

"Oh, that explains why you looked so gloomy at your birthday party." He observed.

Dohee looked at him confused, "you were there? I thought only Jay and Sunghoon went." She spoke with curiosity.

"Everyone went, who wouldn't miss out on a free invitation. And masquerade balls were popular in our time, Ni-Ki enjoyed it a lot." He answered with a smirk.

"I'm glad someone did."

"Hey, why don't you collect your things and come stay with me and the others?" Jungwon suggested, Dohee looked hopeful yet confused.

"Where do you guys stay?" She wondered.

"We have a house, it's rather big actually, five bedrooms and three bathrooms." He proudly answered and sat back in his chair.

"Five bedrooms?" She gasped in disbelief, "I know that sounds weird coming from someone from the west-coast. But I have never lived in a five bedroom house before."

"Yeah, but we have one spare room as Heeseung has his own room, Jay shares with Sunghoon, Jake and me share, and Sunoo and Ni-Ki share." He explained with a chuckle.

"Would they be ok if I moved in?" She asked and Jungwon instantly nodded.

"It doesn't matter if their not, I said you can. So tomorrow drop by your house and get your stuff." He instructed.

"Ok!" Dohee excitedly squealed.

"I'll meet you here tomorrow once you've packed everything, then I'll take you to the house." He suggested with a warm smile.

"Thank you."


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