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Dohee is?" Sora asked the seven males, they each shared awkward glances. Heeseung coughed and scratched the back of his neck before stepping forward.

"She isn't having the best day." He lied, Sora's eyes softened and she suddenly felt guilty for showing up with such a big smile.

"Will she be ok? Where is she?" She panicked and looked around at each of their faces.

"I think you should leave now." Sunghoon demanded and stepped close to the human girl. Sora stood with her arms crossed while looking up at the taller male - feeling slightly intimidated.

"Why is it that you always feel entitled to boss me around?" She taunted and raised her eyebrow.

Dohee slowly stirred awake, she sat up as soon as she gained full consciousness again, Tara sat in a backwards chair in front of her.

"Morning." The curly haired girl teased.

"Where am I?" She questioned, coming to stand on her feet. "Am I under the library?" She chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.

"Why'd you turn it off?" Tara asked, trying to ignore the girls salty attitude. Dohee shrugged her shoulders and wondered around the room.

"You're so selfish." Tara scoffed.

"I'm selfish? My whole life I've been bossed around and now that I'm finally fighting back, 'I'm selfish'?"

"Yes, you're selfish. Jungwon offered you a safe place to stay and yet you still go and do this, I should have just let Nicholas rip your throat out." Tara taunted with wide eyes.

Without hesitation Dohee raced towards her, but Tara was quick to hold Dohee by her neck. "Im older than you and far more stronger."

Dohee spat into Tara's eyes before using that advantage to kick her in the groin. The older groaned and hunched over, she allowed her eyes to go dark and showed her fangs - accepting the fight.

She held Dohee on the ground, the raven haired girl scrambled and dug her claws into Tara's arm - which was pinning her down.

Dohee choked as Tara brought her hand to the younger's neck, squeezing it. "Just turn it back on." She begged and tried her hardest to hold back tears.

Dohee shut her eyes and fell limp, there was no pulse and no movements in her once rising chest. "Im sorry." Tara muttered onto the girls body.

Dohee's eyes opened and she glanced down at the easily tricked girl, a smirk rose onto her face as she knew she had won.

"No, I am." Dohee smirked and used her claws to tear open Tara's throat. Blood splattered over her face and clothes - her body fell onto Dohee's, but the younger girl just tossed her to the side and stood up.

Dohee made her way up the dark staircase and walked into the library. A strong scent of blood hit her nose, it was far more stronger than anyone else's blood. It smelt so familiar but something was different, she peered around the corner and caught sight of Sora.

"Dohee?" Heeseung caught her out, he examined her clothes and felt his heart ache "where's Tara?"

Everyone in the room turned to look at the girls direction, the only human in the room stood with a wide mouth.

"Dohee, what happened?" She panicked and stepped closer to her friend.

Dohee roared and showed her sharp fangs to the brunette, in disbelief the girl shook her head while her eyes glossed over.

Dohee charged at her and tackled her to the ground, Sora let out a scream and cried while holding the girl off of her. Dohee snapped down at her and only found herself craving more and more of the sweet scent.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around her waist and yanked her off of the Sora. Dohee was then flung into the wall, she let out a hiss of pain before standing back to her feet and charging at Sunghoon.

"Move out of my way." Dohee growled and fought for her way past the male. Sunghoon pushed the girl to the ground and rushed over to a table before breaking the leg off - intending to use it as a stake.

Dohee got up and walked over to the human who was crawling to stand. Sunghoon stood behind Dohee without her knowledge and raised the wood in the air.

Jungwon clocked onto what he was about to do and raced over, in attempt to knock the stake out of his hands - he pushed Sunghoon down.

Jay also jumped in and tried to protect Dohee, he muttered an apology and snuck up behind her - her mouth hovering over Sora's arm.

He snapped Dohee's neck once again. He brought to girl over to a bookshelf while holding her body in his arms - he removed the hair from her face while watching his two brothers fight.

"You were gonna kill her!" Jungwon yelled and shoved Sunghoon backdown.

Sora on the other hand, stood up to quickly causing a glass lamp to fall to the ground - cutting her finger.

Ni-Ki sat on the sofa and watched in amusement as Jungwon swung at Sunghoon once more - and how the Sunghoons rage grew after every hit.

In the corner of Ni-Ki's eye, he saw Sora hiss in pain as she watched the blood drool from her finger. Heeseung also noticed this and saw how Ni-Ki's veins were now showing and how his teeth were growing into fangs.

"Ni-Ki, don't." Heessung warned, catching the attention of Sunghoon.

He glanced between Sora and Ni-Ki, worry consumed him and anger took over. He used his extra strength and pushed Jungwon off of him - making him fly back into a book shelf and fall to the ground, with books surrounding him.

Jungwon groaned and stood back to his feet, he tried to run at Sunghoon once more, but Sunoo got there first and held the younger back.

"Jungwon, calm down, Dohee is fine." Sunoo reassured and gestured to the unconscious girl, laying with Jay.

"Where's Sunghoon?" Heeseung panicked and looked around the room.

"She went after Sora." Jay informed him, as he stood to his feet with Dohee in his arms.

Jungwon limped over to the older and held out his arms - after wiping away the dripping blood from his soon to heal wound. "I'll take her." He sniffled.

Jay hesitantly nodded before accepting and gently placing Dohee in Jungwons arms.


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