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Ring ... ring

Nikki's face lights up seeing Kristie's name show up on the screen of her phone.

"Hey, Babe; are you here?"

"I just got to the hotel. Where are you?"

"Actually, just getting my boots laced and tied for training."

"Oh, short or long session today?"

"Group session, so, I can't really talk."

"Is Mac there?"

"Not that I see, only Sabrina so far and Betos."

"Good enough. I'm going to see if any of the girls want to join me in checking in and visiting. It'll also give me cover to drag you off to the changeroom and have my way with you."

"Yes, please!"

Kristie chuckles. "I'll see you as soon, Nik."

Nikki chuckles as she silences her phone and tucks it inside her bag before joining the group to warmup.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning."

Nikki smiles at Jennie. "I am. My girlfriend has been out of town for a few very long weeks and just called to let me know she's back."

Jennie smiles. "Ah yes, the mysterious girlfriend. I'm really beginning to wonder if she actually exists."

"Trust me, she does."

"Any chance of meeting her?"

"I might be able to arrange that. So, how are things going with you and Aspen?"

"Nice; way to switch it back on me. To answer the question, we met for coffee and I ended up being late to class because I lost track of time with her. We're going to grab a bite together before work on Saturday after I drop Shelby off at her playdate."

"Remember my words, you hurt her and you'll have to deal with me."

Jennie laughs. "You're not as intimidating as you think you are. Shelby's got better game then you."

Nikki bursts out laughing. "Just remember who got you a job and controls the scheduling."

Jennie chuckles. "Point taken. You know, I really am enjoying working at Vibe; the people are amazing and generous with the tips."

"Told you. Flash a little smile and skin and they fill the jar or in most cases nowadays add more to the card."

Jennie nods and they continue with the warm up session.

Meanwhile at the hotel, Kristie is searching for a couple of teammates to join her for a trip to the training centre.

Rose Lavelle looks at her. "Why would I want to go and watch people train when I could stay here and watch Animal Planet?"

"Come on, Rosey; Mal said she would come if you did and Foxy. I don't want to spend the entire day at the hotel and most of the girls have already left. I happen to know there's a Fro-Yo place nearby and it's on me."

"Fro-Yo? Like a real size, not the kids one?"

Kristie smiles and laughs. "Yes, I'll buy everyone an adult serving if you come."

"You really want to go there, don't you?"

Kristie nods. "I want to see what's happening and co-ordinate some training sessions."

"Are you planning on staying in New York?"

"Yes. I'm going to be staying with friends until closer to Christmas. Now, come on, let's get moving. I don't want to miss the morning session."

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