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Nikki sits with her head in her hands and eyes closed and she does her best to get her breathing under control and focus on the task on hand, which today, is proving herself worthy of an invite to Gotham's main camp. Few players have made the jump from being a free agent to walking on to the squads and she knows it's a tall ask, but, she's ready to show everyone that she's worthy of being given a shot at earning a spot.

"Come on, Nik; you got this! COME ON! LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!"

Squirting one last mouthful of water in her mouth and then pulling the light blue pinney she was given upon check in over her head, she follows the rest of the players as they make their way to the teams' training field.

A whistle sounds and a voice summons them, with that, it begins ...

Not so far away from where Nikki is currently being put through the paces, Kristie sits with Paige bouncing around and not touching the coffee currently sitting on the table in front of her.

"Can you please stop moving and drink your coffee, before I do?"

"How are you so calm?"

Paige smiles and shakes her head, "I'm really not; My insides are doing summersaults at the moment, but I know it's out of my control what happens, it's all on Nik."

"She barely slept last night, which meant I barely slept and I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't make it."

"She'll make it. I know my sister and she's probably loving playing in the cold and rain."

Kristie smiles, "She told me that she used to love playing in the rain."

Paige nods, "A good portion of the time she was in England, she was either training and or playing in rain so a little adverse weather isn't going to affect her the same as it may the other girls."

"Hope so. Can we go somewhere, anywhere? I need a distraction."

"How do you feel about butterflies? Nik introduced me to the exhibit at the museum and whenever I'm feeling stressed or need a distraction, I like to go there and just watch them fly around, it chills me out."

"I kind of wanted to stay in the area if possible."

"What about getting manicures and pedicures? It'll keep us entertained for a bit and my nails have been looking a bit ragged since I got back."

Kristie smiles and nods, "That's something I can get behind; Nik isn't a fan of getting her nails done."

"Working behind the bar she can't really wear nail polish in case it chips off and ends up in someone's drink and she doesn't like her feet being touched."

Kristie chuckles, "Her feet are extremely ticklish and she never told me that was the reason, but it makes sense as to why she wouldn't let them paint her nails now."

Paige nods. "Let's get out of here, I'm fighting back the urge to check my emails and see if there's any news."

"It's too early for that, right?"

Paige nods, "It is for the tryouts, but, there's always the internal memos that circulate with regards to the team, operations and comings and goings. Like I knew about Kelley O'Hara coming to Gotham before most but couldn't say anything because of an NDA and the paperwork technically still hasn't been signed."

Kristie smiles and nods, "I love KO and I think she's going to be one hell of an addition to our backline and the fact that Gotham was able to able to acquire Lynn from KC is wicked awesome! She's definitely a huge upgrade to our attack."

Paige chuckles and nods. "There have been rumbles that more players are going to be added to the roster soon; I really hope that for Nikki's sake that they haven't already made their mind up and plan on bringing in players rather than giving her a look and chance to prove herself."

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