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The following Monday morning, Nikki is up well before her alarm in the kitchen making her and Kristie breakfast to grab on the go before, they head to training together, but not together.

Kristie can't help but chuckle as she watches her girlfriend dance around in the kitchen while listening to tunes, unaware that she's being watched.

"Nice moves."

Nikki turns at looks at Kristie, bursting out laughing. "You're more then welcome to join me."

"I don't think the kitchen is big enough for both of us to flail around like chickens with their heads cut off."

"True. I kept breakfast light, figured that we'd be grabbing lunch after training."

Kristie smiles and nods. "My treat. You paid for dinner and the movie."

Nikki smiles, "You mean the movie that neither of us even bothered to watch?"

"Yeah, that one."

"I'm sure it was worth all the hype around it, but I'm fine with not knowing."

Kristie chuckles, "You got your popcorn."

"And to spend almost the entire time making out with the hottest chick in the theatre."

The alarm on Nikki's phone sounds out and she turns around and taps the screen to make it stop.

"How much sleep did you end up getting last night?"

"Not a ton; I'll probably need a nap later. Right now, I'm high on excitement and adrenaline and that makes for very little chance at sleep."

Kristie kisses her cheek. "The sooner we eat, the sooner we get ready and head to the training centre."

"Let's eat!"

"Come here." Kristie reaches for her and wraps her arms around her waist before kissing her and laying her head on Nikki's shoulder. "I love you."

Nikki kisses the top of her head. "Love you too, beautiful. I know this is your way of calming me down and while I appreciate it, I'd rather eat my eggs while they're relatively warm."

Kristie chuckles. "I know you're excited about getting back out there with the rest of us, but you need to ease back into it and not go full tilt or you're going to get hurt. Take it from me, the last thing you need to happen right now is a muscle injury."

Nikki nods and kisses Kristie, smiling, "Thank you for caring."

"Always. Now, let's eat."

As they near the training centre, they separate and while Nikki goes ahead, Kristie stands and plays on her phone for a bit before following and joining the girls in the changing area.

"Might want to work on your stealth mode, Mewis; we saw you standing down the sidewalk."

Kristie chuckles, "I told Nik that we should have separated at the station."

"It's fine, I'm sure no one else clued in. See you out there."

"Thanks, Sabs."

The players get warmed up and start off with some drills before switching to scrimmaging at the half way point of the session. Nikki and Kristie are both thrown pinnies and smile when they find themselves on the same team.

After being given instructions, the game kicks off and after being called off side twice in succession, Kristie signals for Nikki to calm down and let the game come to her. Nikki nods and takes a couple breaths trying reset before the throw in comes. As the ball is played back to Betos in the other team's goal, Nikki races forward and forces the keeper to launch the ball to the middle of the park where Kristie is sitting and the blonde is able to get her head on the ball and knock it forward. Checking her run and making sure she's onside, Nikki calls for the ball, receiving it on the outside of her left foot, she cuts in and seeing daylight, plants, and fires. The ball strikes the top of the bar before going out of play and Nikki grits her teeth, disappointed that she couldn't find the target.

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