✧ 𝟎𝟎𝟐: ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀsʜɪᴘ

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➬ ✧ 𝟎𝟎𝟐: Pᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀsʜɪᴘ

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➬ ✧ 𝟎𝟎𝟐: Pᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀsʜɪᴘ

[𝟷 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛...]

MAISIE was today in a good mood. Today, she was going to Italy, she was going to see her first race and she was actually excited.

After accepting the proposition for the partnership she couldn't get there without knowing anything about formula 1 so she did some search. About many things like the teams, the drivers, and she actually found one of them really cute but she was going to keep that for herself.

Anyway, Maisie is brought out of her thought when she heard 'Passengers on the 7.00 a.m. flight to Italy are requested to proceed to the boarding gate on aisle A"

She was on this flight. She got up from the seat and walked towards the boarding gate A, after waiting for several minutes she eventually managed to enter the plane, and found her seat. At first she thought she was alone, but two people sat next to her, so yeah, unfortunately she was not alone..

About 2 hours later,

MAISIE finally arrived to her hotel. She identified herself at the reception using what Mclaren had sent her by email and entered her hotel room. Which was rather nice and big.

The girl immediately put her bags on the desk and laid in the bed. Then closed her eyes and accidentally fell asleep..

Well, she planned to go to rest but not right now...


MAISIE just woke up from her nap, with a notification on her phone. A message from McLaren.

oh god

The message said that she had to go somewhere in 30 minutes, so Maisie stood up from the bed, went to the bathroom and quickly changed her clothes, arranged her make-up and her hair to look herself and she smiled.

good, i'm good like this

The girl wanted to look good and presentable. So when she finished she took her purse, money, her phone and her camera obviously. Then she left the hotel and headed to the place she was supposed to go.

Cinnamon Girl - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now