✧ 𝟎𝟒𝟒: Sɪʟᴠᴇʀsᴛᴏɴᴇ ✧

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➬ ✧ 𝟎𝟒𝟒: Sɪʟᴠᴇʀsᴛᴏɴᴇ

Today was the Saturday 8, July 2023. Race weekend and today the qualifying in Great Britain, meaning Lando's home race.

"lando, do you think my outfit is great for today?" Maisie smiled as she got out of the bathroom ready to go

"well it's my sweat-shirt so i guess yeah"

"it's mine now"

"don't have you have like your own clothes?"

"not a lot so your clothes are completing it"

"not a lot??"

"yeah" The girl let out a small laugh before talking again "anyway, you're ready now?"

"i think yes"

"you think?"

"i'm ready" he changed his answer, "better?"

"better. And now come on before you get killed because you're again late"

"i'll just say that it's your fault"

"but they won't believe you" Maisie talked as they walked out of the hotel room "they know that if you're late it's just because of yourself and now i'm leaving you because i'm going to see Maria"

"bad girlfriend you're abandoning me"

"you can live without me just a few hours. You're strong i know you can resist"

"haha so funny"

"your fault, you started it" Maisie told him and quickly gave him a peck on the lips "good luck though" she last said and left him direction Maria's room.

Arrived at her room she waited for her friend to finish getting ready and once it was done for Maria her, Maisie with Max and Aarav went to the paddock.

"i hope it will go well for him this weekend" Maisie confessed to Maria, she hoped this weekend was going to be better than every other since the beginning of the season, she knew Lando needed to have a good weekend here and she knew he could do it.

"i'm sure it will go well" Maria commented showing a reassuring smile

Anywho, the girls then went to drink something since the qualifying were still not starting. And just a few minutes before the start of the qualifying they went to the Mclaren garage. There they joined the boys and wore their headset ready to watch the qualifying.

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