CHAPTER TWELVE, save the dates

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(violet's outfit for this chapter)

Violet sat in the living room with the boys, watching them play Jenga

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Violet sat in the living room with the boys, watching them play Jenga. Jackson was trying to get into Max's head to get him to mess up and lose and it worked because the tower fell over. Max sat on the couch by Violet with a pout as Jackson stood, fist bumping the air.

"No." Max frowned and Violet pat his shoulder comfortingly, sympathetically smiling at him. 

"Yes!" Jackson cheers. "J-Money, Jenga Master, wins again!"

"I can't beat you at anything." Max said sadly.

"Oh, that's not true." Jackson sits by him and wraps an arm around his shoulders. "You always beat me at losing." 

"Hey!" Max perks up. "That's right." Then he realized what he said and frowns. "Hey! That's mean." He got up and walked away.

Stephanie got up from kneeling by Tommy's crib to walk over to Jackson. "That was kind mean." She sits by him. "You know, I was in the same boat as Max. I was the little sister and your mom beat me at everything."

"Oh, yeah." Jackson nods. "I know. She's always bragging about kicking your butt at Twister."

"She only won because she was twice my size." Stephanie defends herself. "You know, I couldn't quite get my left foot on green while my right hand was on red. And now every time I see a stoplight change, I can smell that cheap vinyl mat." Violet and Jackson glance at her with amusement. "Okay." She takes a deep breath. "I'm back. Look, just let Max win sometime."

Jackson raises his eyebrows. "You mean lose on purpose?" He shakes his head. "Uh, I'm not sure if I could do that if I tried." He stands and shrugs. "Honestly, I'm that good."

"Ugh, that's just what your mother used to say." Stephanie grimaced.


Violet was now hanging out with her boyfriend, Ryker, for awhile. They decided to hang out and  go bowling. The place they went to there were also some arcade games in the building so they got to play those as well. Ryker had won her a stuffed animal, of course, and she also won him a stuffed animal. She claimed that she needed to get him something now and he wasn't complaining but he found that sweet. Overall, the date was a success and they both had a great time together.


Later that day, Max challenged Jackson to another game. "Come on, Max, you can do this." Max said to himself. He points at the tower. "See the tower?" He points at himself. "Be the tower." Violet chuckles and smiles at him in amusement. Max pulls out a Jenga piece, pointing at the tower. "Tower, stay." He then places the piece on top. "Good tower!"

As Stephanie walked in with a basket of laundry, Jackson glances over at her and she gestures at him to pretend to lose. "Wow, Max. You really put me in a tough spot here." Jackson said, pretending to look confused.

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