CHAPTER FIFTEEN, mom interference

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(violet's outfit for this chapter)

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(violet's outfit for this chapter)

Violet followed Ramona and Lola down the stairs to the kitchen. They had a sleepover the night before which is why Violet and Lola had stayed over at the Fuller's. Violet had to admit she now counted Lola as a close friend and Lola wasn't as bad as she thought the girl was. Violet's attention was drawn to Fernando when she realized he was wearing a short pink robe that she assumed was Kimmy's. 

"I don't even wanna know." She muttered. At this point she shouldn't really be surprised and she should just expect something crazy to happen at the Fuller's.

Kimmy, who wore a long black robe that Violet assumed was Fernando's, smiles at the three girls. "So how was the sleepover, girls?"

"Best sleepover ever!" Lola grinned.

"We didn't fall asleep once!" Ramona smiled widely.

"That's a lie 'cause I fell asleep by 2." Violet admits with a shrug. "It was still a blast though." She chuckled, smiling with amusement as Romana and Lola squealed with excitement. She went to sit by Ramona and Lola at the table where DJ sat at the end by Tommy. 

The back door opens moments later and Jimmy walks in. "Hola, Fulleritos, Tanneritos, Violetrio, Fernandoritos." He pauses. "Now I want Doritos." 

"Same." Violet confesses. She groans. "Jimmy, why did you mention Doritos?" She whined.

"Hey, uh, Jimmy, I noticed your beat up RV is still in front of our house." DJ speaks up. "Just how long are you gonna be parked here?"

"That's up to Steph. All I know is that my heart is parked here forever." Jimmy smiled at Stephanie.

"Awe." The four girls at the table awed in unison.

Stephanie chuckles, looking nervous. "No 'awes', okay? This is not happening."

"I got you a gift." Jimmy pulls out a dream catcher out of a bag. "It's my dream catcher. I don't need it anymore. All my dreams came true that day we had our first kiss." Everyone awed once again at his sweet words and gesture.

Stephanie shakes her head. "Stop with the 'awes'."

Jimmy put away the dream catcher and then hands out a box of treats to Stephanie, whispering, "Can we go out, please?"

"You know, half of me wants to say, 'no, thank you', and the other half of me also wants to say, 'no, thank you'." Stephanie replied.

Jimmy looks hopeful. "How about that third half?"

"Cute but not that smart." Violet muttered with a chuckle.

"Well, the third half wants you to get a math tutor." Stephanie responded.

Jimmy smiles. "Well, all the math I need to know is that you plus me equals happiness."  Everyone awed again as he left the house.

"Oh, I say go for it." DJ encourages. "Jimmy Gibbler is so sweet and thoughtful." 

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