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Paridhi's pov:

He expressed in a trembling voice, "I am willing to sacrifice my life for you, but when it comes to protecting my brothers, I will be compelled to take lives." The atmosphere surrounding us was filled with tension, and soon he was crammed with haze.

"But you had a choice vikar—" he disappeared.

The surroundings remained enveloped in darkness as I gradually opened my eyes, realizing once again that it was merely a dream! This recurring dream has plagued me for the last couple of months, leaving me perplexed about the identity of the ominous man with an indistinct visage and remarkably muscular build, adorned with an abundance of glistening gold jewelry. The state of my life is utterly perplexing, filled with chaos and disorder to the point where even taking a breath feels burdensome. It is truly exasperating.

Living alone may seem enjoyable, doesn't it? However, that assumption is far from the truth. Greetings, my name is Paridhi, but you can refer to me as Pari. Despite not appearing so, I possess a slightly plump figure, lack a flat stomach, and have a tendency to become easily irritable.

Now, let's continue from where we left off. Living independently, or rather, living and facing challenges on my own. I completed my degree in archaeology two years ago and currently, I am grappling with the pursuit of securing a government job and uncovering the existence of immortals. You see, I have been dedicating my efforts towards discovering individuals like Ashwatthama, Ved Vyas, and Parshuram. This has been my ongoing endeavor.

I have a deep fascination for Indian History, particularly the epic Mahabharata. Isn't it amazing? As you may have gathered, I tend to be more of a playful and lighthearted girl rather than a serious, diligent, and independent woman. However, I must confess that I don't believe in love, Ishq, and Mohabbat. Please, I just can't relate to these cringe-worthy celebrations of affection.

my mother serves as the next generational military wife, and so did my grandma. they live in Ahmedabad, yes, I am a Gujarati Chokri, and my father is posted in Dehradun. we are a happy, loving family.

Upon awakening, I found myself in a disheveled and cluttered room. It is a small one-bedroom flat with limited ventilation, serving as my humble abode. Within this space, you will discover Indian and world subcontinental maps, an atlas, copies of the Mahabharata and Ramayana, as well as various history books. Additionally, an antique wooden cabinet resides in one corner, housing a collection of newspapers and research papers.

The research papers pertain to the theory I am endeavoring to substantiate regarding the Immortals, as previously mentioned. In two months' time, each employee will be assigned a topic to compile a report on, and for some inexplicable reason, I chose The Immortal Ashwattama project. Ever since, my existence has transformed into an agonizing ordeal.

Upon entering the kitchen, I was struck by its diminutive size, reminiscent of the attic I once had in Ahmedabad. Nevertheless, I managed to whip up a delectable poha for my breakfast, accompanied by a refreshing iced coffee.

I am employed by ASI Delhi, which stands for the Archeological Survey of India. Although I have a typical nine-to-five job, I try not to complain about it and maintain a positive perspective on life.

The ringing of my phone startled me; once again, I was captivated by the presence of that mysterious, strong man in my thoughts. It was Mr. Nagar calling urgently from the office, demanding my immediate presence in his cabin. "Paridhi, I need you here now. There's an important matter to discuss." This is precisely why I dislike the monotony of a typical nine-to-five job.

I swiftly exited my apartment and embarked on a quest to locate a taxi. The congested streets of Delhi never failed to infuriate me, much like attempting to navigate through the chaos of crossing the road on a bustling day. However, an eerie sense of déjà vu washed over me as I encountered the familiar sight of speeding cars, blaring horns, and an overwhelming commotion that momentarily rendered my mind immobile.

I found myself positioned amidst a multitude of men drenched in blood, amidst a war, in a peculiar location devoid of any explanatory captions, something distinct from our world, or perhaps an otherworldly sensation. Every individual was lamenting and rushing towards me, brandishing swords and bows in their grasp. The pandemonium was so overwhelming that I was momentarily petrified. Could this be genuine? Suddenly, an unknown person seized my hand from behind, causing me to plummet to the ground.

"Are you mad'? what the hell is wrong with you" a man in his nearly fourtes shouted at me; he had that sharpness in his voice that annoyed me so much.

As I overheard a woman's voice behind me, she remarked, "Observe her, she appears mature but behaves childishly." Suddenly, I became aware of my surroundings and found myself lying on the road, with a crowd of over a hundred people watching me. The situation was incredibly humiliating, Paridhi. I scolded myself, questioning, "What on earth?" in an attempt to regain my composure. Swiftly, I stood up and hurried towards the office, only to discover that I was already running late.

"Paridhi, do you comprehend the significance of this project? It has been several months since you commenced working on it. I implore you to make progress now, Pari. A considerable number of employees have already initiated their work, while you are still deliberating on what to do next. I understand that you are fatigued, but you opted for a unique topic. Nevertheless, there is still time, Pari. If you desire, you can select another topic." Said mr. Nagar
Frustated and tensed all of a sudden.

I assured Mr. Nagar that he need not worry, as I would complete the lead within the next fifteen days. I confidently made this promise, fully aware that the project would ultimately remain unfinished. Nevertheless, I managed to endure Mr. Nagar's outbursts and tantrums.

"hmm, alright." He replied aggressively.

I emphasized the urgency, "Sir, it is imperative that I emerge victorious this time. You can trust me when I say that within fifteen days, I will secure the lead, and we still have a generous two months left to prepare for the seminar." As I spoke, I took deep breaths, striving to maintain a façade of confidence.

"i trust you pari. Go ahead. All the best." told Mr. Nagar smiling and keeping his right hand on my shoulder.

I hurriedly made my way to my laptop, diligently searching for clues and piecing together the information from the various locations I had investigated. Eventually, I stumbled upon numerous myths and legends surrounding Ashwattama, which seemed quite far-fetched. However, it was my duty to uncover the truth, no matter how unbelievable it may seem. The search led me to an astonishing location, where sightings of Ashwattama had occurred more than ten times and were frequently mentioned in local tales. To delve deeper into this mystery, I had to personally visit that place.

I inquired Mr. Nagar about the possibility of going there independently and retrieving some samples. He granted me permission, stating, "You have complete freedom to go anywhere; all your expenses will be taken care of by the department. Several other employees are on leave solely due to this project."

I bid them farewell, shaking hands and expressing my intention to meet again in a fortnight. However, I couldn't help but wonder if it would truly be worthwhile.

 However, I couldn't help but wonder if it would truly be worthwhile

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