Chapter 10

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Veer's pov :

walking along the steep trails to reach the cascade, we could hear the sound of water flowing. Pari sometimes tests my patience, I've never been so rude to her but her negligent behavior annoys me. As I looked back to check on her, she wasn't in sight, I bend a little more to look if she was coming but no sign of her.

My heart automatically turned panic mode on, and my heartbeat rose to some unfamiliar ache down my spine. "where is Pari" My mind didn't seem to cease asking me this question. "hey guys..where is Pari" I shouted. AG and Riddima stopped and ran toward me back.

"what Pari?" AG came scurrying the way looking around so that he might see her near the river but no sign of her. I rushed back to the route we were coming from. I searched for her in every direction and called out her name "Pari...Pari..where are you" but she didn't listen.

"you both should check in that direction" I indicated at the lane coming from the middle and I ran towards the other. The forest wasn't familiar at all, what if she lost her way into the woods? There are wild animals around.

I took my phone in hand to call her, but instead, my eyes caught some scrubs  moving, "Pari is that you?" I called out.

proceeding ahead to the area of forest where sunlight was barely visible, I saw shrubs moving to examine them and remove them from my way I continued walking into the deep dark forest in search of her. Only silence and a weird sensation in my heart followed me. Unaware of the danger inside I went straight to look around the woods.

A Bisleri's water bottle with some water in it lay on the ground, as I leaned toward it I realized it was still cold which meant Pari is somewhere near. "Pari" I shouted in case she was near. But no response.

As I looked around, the only thought my brain could process was a fantasy movie, tall Sheesham, and deodar trees crammed the forest with some tiny youthful plants along. The sun was about to set filling the atmosphere with crimson dim lights.

I heard someone whispering from a distance, hearing it I could now hear it it was Pari. Climbed on a branch of Sheesham tree; whispering my name.

"Veer.. God damnit what are you doing here" she yelled in her angry pari tone. Sitting on a thick branch holding another with her backpack behind she looked incredibly cute.

"Are you fucking insane" I yelled from the ground glancing at her, I was bewildered as hell I mean why would suddenly anyone abandon their path and climb a stupid tree. There isn't any justification for it. This girl is crazy.

"see. I have no time to explain. Climb it come here" she screamed and made her hands move along.

"no way I am climbing it. And why would I? You are stupid" I yelled at her.

"veer. Please I've seen him he is somewhere near" she said a little tensed. I realized that we are on a mission with Ashwattama, maybe she found him.

"Who? Ashwattama. You dumb fellow he could sense you; we are dead anyway" I shouted.

"No it's not him" she whispered.

Before I could say anything, a sound came from the hill to the right of where I was standing. My eyes dilated, it was something like a roar but not of a lion maybe a dinosaur from Jurassic World.

"what the hell was that," I said as I moved towards the sound to check what exactly was it.

"No. Veer. Please don't go" I could hear her from behind.

"wait. Pari let me check", I said moving forward. The critter called again, much closer now. If it was an ordinary animal, it would go away in some time, but if it was something like a partner possibly a man-eater then he fear no human. There was no time to lose and there did not seem much point in running. I looked up and down the hillside. My eyes could only see the forest.

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