Chapter 16

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A week had departed, and I somehow prevailed with mosquitoes, and earthworms and eating chapattis and onion with rice periodically. Ashwattama gave me side eyes constantly, he was busy cutting woods for dinner near the big banyan tree. The weather was reassuring, a faded cinch was blowing, and it seemed like it was about to shower. The sweet smell of soil around the ashram and the foliage around intrigued me.

I sat near the chulah assisting guru Ma with readying dinner, although I didn't know a word about cooking staying, there meant doing everything I couldn't even have visualized before.

On the peripheries of the ashram, I saw feathers, feathers of a peacock. "Oh my God," I said. It was Beautiful. He had unfurled up his feathers and was singing...

"What happened, Putri.. "? Inquired Guruma.

"'s a peacock dancing and singing". I said. She grinned and proceeded with doing her work as if it was ordinary for her to see peacocks around. I was flabbergasted by the bird, I stood up from my place and went near the wooden fencing of the ashram. Beaming and adoring the beauty.

"Where are you going?" she said.

"I'll be back in a minute" I replied.

I leaped through the wooden fencing to get near the bird, the confection voice was coming a little bit tighter as I was moving towards it, but before I could see it glid away not very distant, and sat down on a big rock. I began again to follow it. As I came a bit closer again, it flew away again. It was hindering I shook my hands in frustration.

It happened more, and then I didn't know where I was. As I looked back, it was all woods and a profound dark forest. The sky was near spewing. The environment was dark crammed with clouds. I could see lighting.

"Where's the bird shit," I said to myself all demoralized.

The peacock was nowhere to be seen, and guess what I lost my way back to the ashram. I turned back and strolled straight but every way was the exact, the identical trees, the same domain.

"Oh, God! Where should I go? Now". Before I could make my way back, a big raindrop fell on my cheek. And it began to rain. I carried out to take refuge near a tall peepal tree. But the tree could not do any help, rain came along with a tremendously speedy wind and lightning. I was drenched in mud and water.

I sat on a rock beneath the tree, taking refuge until the rain stops. But it wasn't going to stop any soon. "Mahadev save me" I cried to myself. Scared by the storm. The wind was so freezing that my arms and legs became chilled and I was numb. My nose was blocked and I was shivering.

"Mahadev. Help me. " I cried again. Clutching myself tightly to stay warm.

"Mridual. "My voice echoed in my ears, far away but in my conscious.

"Mridula... Where are you"? Someone called again.

I had no vitality to stand up, but eventually, I did, the wind was so fast it shoved me back,

"I am here.. ". screamed. And sat down back, I had no energy to even stand.

I saw a man approaching with Dhanush in his hands, he came running and in no time he was in front of me. Ashwattama. He sat down, removing water from his face. For the very first time, I saw him this close to me. His immaculate masculine body was all damp and his hair was all wet, coming onto his face. He had a fine mustache along with a beard. His lips were Pink and wet, and his eyes were brighter than the diamond on his forehead. Deep and dark. He was divine.

"What the hell are you doing here" he shouted at me, halting my imaginary world.

"i... Just. Was just catching.." I shattered.

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