Chapter III - Alex's Tape

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"What list is she talking about?" Padma asked as gently as he possibly could.

Brittany rolled her eyes at it while she, Jessica, and Alex exchanged looks that didn't go unnoticed.

"It was a stupid sexist thing that was started by a monster named Bryce Walker. You will find out why he is on his tape as well as on another." Tony said as he put the second tape in and pushed play. Then as before he moved back to where he was sitting. And the same as before happened before Hannah's voice continued.

"You've heard of the butterfly effect, right? That if a butterfly flaps it's wings at just the right time in just the right can cause a hurricane thousands of miles away. It's chaos theory. But, see, chaos theory isn't exactly about chaos. It's about how a tiny change in a big system can effect everything. Chaos theory. Sounds dramatic, but it's not. Ask a mathematician. Or better yet, ask someone who's been in a hurricane."

"Alex Standall. You caused the hurricane. It's your turn. Little did I know you would F. my L. forever. Little did I know you would be my hurricane. Maybe you think I'm being silly. I'm some stupid girl who gets all worked up over a little thing. But little things matter. For instance you never told me when you started dating Jessica. But I remember just how it ended. With your list."

"Alex, we hadn't talked since you two got together. And then it seemed like maybe you might not be together anymore. Is that why you did it, Alex? Maybe you say it's nothing, Alex. It's just words."

"Maybe, were just being a dick. Alex, maybe you think I'm being silly, like I get my titties in a twist over the tiniest things...but you didn't walk that hall. You didn't feel those eyes on you. You've never heard those whispers."

"At first I thought, what a stupid list. Jessica is so much prettier than me. I didn't think of the chaos it would cause. But it was just a joke. Right, Alex? You think I'm taking it all way too seriously. But here's the thing: You've never been a girl."

"You want evidence, Alex? You want storm clouds and thunder? Let's go to E-3 on your maps, everyone. The Blue Spot liquor store, where butterfly met hurricane. The Blue Spot was a block and a half from my first house here. And I went there whenever I desperately needed chocolate, which was, like, most days of the week. It seems like nothing. Until the hurricane hits. Because when you put my name on that list, you put a target on my...well, it wasn't just my ass. You made it open season on Hannah Baker."

"The butterfly effect. It started with Justin, then on to you, Alex. And the rest of you. Maybe these tapes will start a new butterfly effect. Who knows? Everything affects everything."

And that was where Alex's tape ended.

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