Chapter X - Justin's Second Tape

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As before Tony did what he had been doing. And as before it took a minute before Hannah's continued.

"I've got a question for you, Justin. Not the one you think. Not yet. What's the best part of high school? The great friends you make? The romance? No. We both know the best part of high summer break. It's the great reset button. And after everything that happened to me sophomore year...I couldn't wait to start tear the rest of the pages from my journal and forget it all. Except I didn't get very far. At work, my usual partner in crime was spending the summer with his grandparents. His temporary replacement was nice enough, but entirely too normal. And I couldn't escape my past. I needed a change. I needed to be someone new. Have you ever felt like that? I wasn't going to be invisible anymore. I was going to start brand new. I was going to cut away the past...and leave it all behind. I was going to work harder. Be smarter. And be stronger. Because you can't change other people, but you can change yourself."

"Part of me knew I shouldn't go to Jessica's house that night. But another part of me couldn't help but wonder what...or who...I might be missing out on."

"So here I am, the brand-new the same old life. If I had known what would happen...what that night had in store...I might never have walked through that door. But parties have a weird magic. They're like an alternate universe. They make you believe that maybe anything is possible. Maybe you do fit in after all."

"But she didn't, did she, Justin? She didn't know. And people don't really change. Welcome to your second tape, Justin Foley. That night, for the first time in a long time...I didn't feel invisible. I was nervous, 'cause I felt so good, and I didn't want to screw it up. I was trying to act normal. But I didn't really know how anymore. There are four stories to tell about that night. I'll tell this one first. How did I end up in that bedroom? That's another story. But for now, Justin, you'd been with the same girl all night. But I'm not gonna call her out by name. Even though, if you were at that party, you already know."

"I realized two things in that moment. Number one, I was drunk. Number two, so was this girl. But I figured you'd just give up and leave her alone. At least, I hoped you would. I know what you're thinking. Maybe if this girl hadn't had so much to drink, what happened next never would have happened. But it was a party. Everyone had too much to drink. And besides, how can you blame someone for something that happens while they're unconscious?"

"I had to do something. I had to make him stop. But I couldn't get my feet to move. It was dark in there. And the music was loud, but I saw his face. And I recognized his voice as clear as day. And so would all of you. But this tape isn't about him. It's about you, and me, Justin. You called him a friend. But your girlfriend needed you."

"I had to do something. I had to make him stop. But I couldn't get my feet to move. It was dark in there. And the music was loud, but I saw his face. And I recognized his voice as clear as day. And so would all of you. But this tape isn't about him. It's about you, and me, Justin. You called him a friend. But your girlfriend needed you. That girl had two chances that night. But we both let her down. How do I live with that? How do you Justin? How does she live with what happened?"

And that's where Justin's second tape ended.

"What was Hannah saying? That she saw a rape happen?" Fernando asked hesitantly.

Brittany just nodded while shuddering.

"By Bryce Walker?" Padma asked.

And Brittany just nodded again.

"And Justin for a while tried to cover it up." Jessica said numbly.

"I'm sorry that happened Jess." Brittany said looking over at her sadly.

"So am I. But thankfully he can't hurt me or anyone else ever again." Jessica said.

"He also made Jessica a tape apologizing. If you would like to hear it." Tony said.

"And I got his confession to what he did to Hannah." Clay said smirking.

"After the last tape." Brittany said while raising her eyebrows at Clay.

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