Chapter IX - Ryan's Tape

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As before Tony did what he had been doing. And as before it took a minute before Hannah's continued.

"Some girls know all the lyrics to each other's songs. They find harmonies in their laughter. Their linked elbows echo in tune. What if I can't hum on key? What if my melodies are the ones nobody hears?"

"It all started because I was feeling lost. I needed direction. Any direction. And sometimes you take whatever way out you can find. Dream big, they say. Shoot for the stars. Then they lock us away for 12 years and tell us where to sit, when to pee, and what to think. Then we turn 18, and even though we've never had an original thought, we have to make the most important decision of our lives."

"And if you don't have the money and if you don't have the grades, a lot of the decision gets made for you. I wanted a purpose...a reason for being on this planet. But that poetry group looked like an AA meeting. Or a support group. I saw no one within decades of my age. Until I saw you. You were the only other high school kid in the room. Ryan Shaver, Liberty High's resident intellectual, editor of Lost and Found, general selfish snob."

"It must be possible to swim in the ocean of the one you love without drowning. It must be possible to swim without becoming water yourself. I keep finding stones tied to my feet."

"But is that why you really did it? So you could help me touch just one person? I doubt it. People like you don't make selfless moves. You knew the shit I shared was personal. You knew where it came from and that it would get people talking. I realize now that I was desperate for someone to listen...and you listened. And then you made my private thoughts a public spectacle. So you bear your heart out to one person and everybody ends up laughing."

"Sometimes the future doesn't unfold the way you think it will. Shit happens, and people suck. Maybe that's why I stopped writing...and eventually started making tapes."

And that's where Ryan's tape ended.

Brittany looked at Ryan coldly. And Ryan looked at her with an ashamed look on his face. Which caused her to slightly smirk coldly at him.

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