Chapter XVII - Talking about a possible threat towards Brittany

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Jean-Claude put her in her bed and left a washcloth that could be used if her fever gets too bad and let Tyler watch over her while he and the others talked. Then he returned to where they had all been listening to the tapes.

"We have a feeling the monster of a stepbrother of Brittany's isn't dead like she believes." Tony started.

"You suspect that he possibly faked his death?" Fernando said making it a question.

Tony and the others nodded their heads.

"Looking back now, I wouldn't put it past him to fake his death to make her let down her guard. Then either attacking her again or wait for the right time to grab and do only God knows what to her." Jessica said. And everyone including Jean-Claude and even the Vampire Council nodded in agreement with her.

"If the tapes and what Brittany hinted at as to him having stalking and obsessing behavior towards her is more than likely a big clue that he probably faked his death and is waiting for the right time to kidnap her." Fernando said.

"Then we should at least make it very hard for him to do so." Belle Morte said.

"It might be hard to do though. Because she believed that he could be a demon, or very much like one in human form. Way back when she felt trapped while being abused by him." Tony said.

"You mean like a soldier demon?" Clay asked. And Tony nodded.

"He could be because when she was remembering the night he almost killed her but succeeded in killing her unborn child he was sure acting like one." Jean-Claude said worriedly.

Which made pretty much everyone also worry.

"If that is true protecting her could possibly be more difficult than we hoped it would be." Asher said not liking how this was affecting Jean-Claude as he also felt worried about Brittany.

"We should be able to come up with a way to protect her and also if he is alive get rid of him permanently." Mr. Oliver said.

"If we have to she could stay with us for a while at the Council Headquarters. That way if he does dare to come after her we would have a better chance of getting rid of him permanently." Belle Morte suggested.

After talking it over they kept that suggestion as a backup plan. Although Jean-Claude hoped that it wouldn't come to that.

"I will ask Brittany what she wants to do to stay safe in case he is still  alive as we all think he is. Deep down even she thinks he might still be alive." Jean-Claude said. And everyone nodded in understanding. Then she showed Tony, Caleb, Ryan, Clay, Jessica, and Alex where they, and Tyler, could stay for as long as they were guests in St. Louis. Then he went to watch over Brittany for the remaining hours before Dawn took him.

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