Chapter Forty One

789 28 14

May 24, 2007


I'm glad you like it. Sorry it made you cry though. Surprise, I wrote it with you in mind 🙂. I wish I could bring you to one of our shows really badly. You would have so much fun, you really would. I really want to meet you. If I could have one wish, that would be it.
Hey, one more month and you're free! That's something to look forward to, right?! And you'll be around family, in your country. I'm excited for you and I'm sure you'll have an awesome time. You'll be able to talk with Nolan and Mel without you know who breathing down your necks the whole time.
Oh, the guys say hi and hope you're ok. I haven't told them much about you know who, just that he's an absolute asshole and a total waste of space, which is 100% the truth.
Tom's been getting on my nerves with the teasing lately, mien gotte.
Anyway, I have to go get ready for an interview.

Love, Billy

P.s.- Andreas would fight you on that, Edie. But I'd bet on you winning.

From Yours Truly, EdieWhere stories live. Discover now