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Juliet squeals in excitement as I speed us down the road. Adrenaline courses through me as we race down. I start to slow down as we near the club and Juliet whines.

"Oh come on. That was so fun." I laugh at her reaction and park the car.

"We can do that again another time. Now, you better hope there is no paparazzi here." I look outside and there are a lot of stares at our car but I can't see many paparazzi.

"Oh shit. Um, I will cover you just wait." Juliet gets out of the car and I wait patiently as she moves to my side of the car. She opens the door and covers me with hr jacket as we walk into the club.

We reach the entrance and she takes the jacket off, fixing my hair and ushering me in. I hear a couple paparazzi scream out to us but they aren't allowed into the club. The bouncer recognises me and lets us straight in. He tells us about the VIP section and says we get free access to anywhere we want. I am royalty after all.

The song "Ferrari" is playing which I think is ironic because I came here in a Bugatti instead of my Ferrari. Juliet starts dancing and points me over to the bar to get us some drinks. I walk over to the bar and order us two sex on the beaches.

"Coming right up." The bartender seems nice as he begins to make our drinks. I wait patiently but I feel like someones watching me. I turn around and see no one there and decide to shake it off. A man walks up next to me.

"What's the Princess of France doing here at this time of night?" I look over to him and smile. Sure, he's cute, but he could do with a shave.

"Oh um, just a night of fun." I thank the bartender for the drinks and he smiles back at me. I try to walk back out to the dance floor but the man grabs my arm and stops me. His grip is harsh as I try to move past him.

"Aren't you marrying Prince Nicholas tomorrow?" I slowly nod, fear creeping up through my body at his harsh grip.

"Can you let go please?" I try to plead with him but he just shakes his head and pulls me closer. The drinks in my hands fall to the floor, smashing at my feet.

"Why don't I show you a night of real fun?" He gets really close to me but suddenly he is punched in the face. I tun away from the scene and steady myself. I look back to see that the man is gone and replaced by the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life.

He has soft curly brown hair and captivating brown eyes. He has a bit of stubble but it just makes him look sexier. His deep, raspy, voice pulls me out of my trance. I notice a thick Italian accent which makes me go crazy.

"Are you okay?" I swallow harshly and nod. Juliet comes running up beside him.

"Anna! Oh mon dieu, tu vas bien? Je suis désolé, allons-y." Juliet hugs me but I can't stop staring at this gorgeous man. (translation: Oh my god, are you okay? Im sorry, lets go.)

"Jules, je vais bien. Ne vous inquiétez pas. Ne le laissez pas gâcher notre nuit. Je veux rester." I reassure her and she nods. The man waits patiently next to us. (Translation: Jules, I'm okay. Don't worry. Don't let it ruin our night. I want to stay.)

I turn to the man and Juliet waits next to me.

"Thank you for what you did. I really appreciate it." He nods and I extend my hand to him.

"I'm Antoinette, but call me Anna. Pleasure to meet you." He shakes my hand and I notice how soft his hands are. He smirks at me and his hand lingers for longer than it should have.

"Giovanni Romano. Pleasure to meet you princess." He bows down a little and kisses the top of my hand. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and suddenly I'm frozen.

"I'm Juliet, her best friend." Juliet interrupts and places her hand for Giovanni to shake. He smiles and nods back at her. I step back only to remember how I spilt the drinks on the floor.

"Merde. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to spill it on the floor." I speak to the bartender and he simply waves me off. (translation: shit)

"Don't worry, we'll clean it up. You guys enjoy your night. And here is two more, on the house." He hands us two more drink and I thank him before passing one off to Juliet.

"Well, I would love to stay but unfortunately I have business to attend to. Maybe I'll see you around. Goodbye Julia. And you too, Antoinette." He smirks before leaving. I normally hate my name, but they way he says it makes it sound like heaven.

"Holy shit Anna. He was so into you." I giggle and brush her off. We walk over to the VIP section and walk up the stairs. The guard lets us straight in and immediately Juliet and I are impressed.

We walk over to a booth and sit down across from each other. The window next to us looks over the beautiful night sky of England. Juliet looks out in awe.

"This is a nice change from back home staring at a fucking tower all day." I laugh and sip on my drink some more.

"I could get used to it." I nod and look around the VIP section. 

"Well you are gonna have to. You don't really have a choice." I don't pay attention to what Juliet is saying as my eyes lock with Giovanni fro across the room. His stare causes butterflies to erupt and I have to cross my legs tighter.

I'm gonna need a lot of alcohol tonight.


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