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Anna's POV:

"What are you gonna name him mi amore?" It's been two days and I still haven't been able to think of a name. I'm definite on one of the names, but I cannot for the life of me think of the other.

"I don't know." I stress, packing up my stuff from staying a couple nights here. We leave in half an hour and the nurse said she could delay us choosing a name until then, but after, the royal family needs to know. My maman and papa tried to visit yesterday, but I couldn't face them. Not after reading that letter.

"Why don't you just name him Giovanni?" I roll my eyes and finish packing, sitting on the hospital bed. I look up at the time. I start to panic as I now only have twenty minutes left until I take my child home. My child who does not have a name.

I feel like I've already failed as a mother. I can't even think of a name, how can I care and nurture this child. Giovanni senses my anxiety and immediately walks over to me, cupping my cheeks and staring longingly into my eyes.

"Don't worry Anna. It's going to be okay. We're going to work this out, together." I smile at him but I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to fuck it up.

"I'm scared Giovanni." He softly smiles at me and pulls me into his chest.

"I'll take care of if mi amore. I always will." I smile into his chest before I finally come up with a name.

"Atlas Romano De La Croix." Giovanni pulls away from me and looks into my eyes.


"That's what I want to name him. Atlas Romano De La Croix. I have to make his last name mine if he wants a place in the royal family, but I want yours in there too." A tear slips out of his eye and down his cheek.

"You mean, I'm sort of like his dad?" I shrug my shoulders and look down at my fingers and start picking them.

"I mean if you want. I understand if it's too much I just figured that sinc-" He cuts me off by grabbing my cheeks and pressing his lips to his. He pulls back and looks at me in the eyes.

"That would make me the happiest man in the world. That's all I ever want." I smile at him and he kisses me again before we get interrupted by a nurse.

We both turn around to see her holding Atlas. She carries him over and I nod at Giovanni. He puts his arms out and she places Atlas into his arms. He cries and fusses a bit before Giovanni starts to freak out. He tries to put Atlas back in my arms but I just shake my head.

"Please Anna. I don't know what to do. I'm not good with kids." I giggle a bit at how stressed he is before I give in and help him. I stand up and adjust how he is holding Atlas then look at Giovanni in the eyes.

"Just relax baby. He can sense stress." Giovanni smirks at my nickname and starts to take his mind off the baby. Atlas stops crying and calms down. Giovanni smiles as he looks down at Atlas who is now smiling back up at him.

"See? We'll figure it out. We always will." I take his saying and he gasps.

"Hey, that's mine. Also I like the new nickname, baby." I sit down on the bed and smile up at him before the nurse asks for the name of the baby. We fill out all the forms before we pack up and take Atlas home.

We walk in the door with smiles on our faces, keeping quiet as Atlas is sleeping. 

"Oh my god Giovanni. We didn't set up a nursery." I start to freak out but he just smiles at me. I give him a frustrated look.

"Let's go upstairs." He pulls me upstairs to the room at the end of the hallway next to ours and opens the door. Inside is a gorgeous nursery with everything that Atlas will ever need.

"Oh Giovanni." He smiles at me as I stare around the room in awe.

"Do you like it mi amore?" I turn back around to face him and I run into his arms. I wrap my legs around his hips and kiss him passionately.

"I love it." I smile down at him and he kisses me again before putting me down. I take Atlas out of his carrier and hold him in my arms as he starts to wake up. I smile at him as he takes in the new surroundings.

"Welcome to your new home, Atlas." I carefully bounce him and Giovanni walks over to me, placing a kiss on my forehead and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, looking down at Atlas.

"I love you mi amore. You too my little lovebug." I giggle a little at his nickname for Atlas.


"Yeah, he's my lovebug." A warmth fills my heart at the thought of my new family. I think for the first time in my life, I'm genuinely going to be happy.


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