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Giovanni's POV:

We all stand in the living room confused after Anna hangs up.

"What the fuck was that about?" Angelo questions. I have to find her. I promised I would never let her get in trouble with that man again and now I've just gone and let her crawl her way back to him.

I grab my phone and sunglasses, putting them on my head then grabbing the keys to the car and leaving out through the door. They all come running out after me.

"Where are you going?" Luca yells out at me. I ignore him and make my way around to the drivers seat.

"Giovanni!" Angelo calls out at me and I look up at them.

"I have to go get her. I can't let her spend another minute with him." I shake my head and open the car door but before I can get in Juliet slams the door shut and grabs me by my collar.

"You will not go anywhere besides her families estate on the fucking coast, you hear me? Clearly something is wrong with Anna but she told us to go to the fucking estate and I'm pretty sure she has a good fucking reason. So you will get in the passenger of my car and I will drive your ass down to the coast." Even thought Juliet is short, she is very intimidating. I nod and walk back inside, quickly packing a bag and Angelo and Luca do the same.

We put all our shit in the back of Juliet's car and she starts the car. She begins to drive us towards to coast.

"Do we get music?" Luca is scared to speak to Juliet from the back, but I'm more scared in the front. She huffs and turns on the AUX, handing it back to Luca.

"Vous les hommes êtes si geignards." She mumbles something in French and steps on the gas. (translation: you men are so whiny)

The whole car ride I can only think about Anna. I know going down here is the right thing to do, but I feel so guilty. For all I know she could be getting beaten and bruised, and I simply just let her go. Regardless, I am going to do everything I can to get her back and once I have her I am never letting her go.

On the way to the estate, Juliet tells us how when they would spend most of their summers in the beach house. She tells us all about the private beach, the yacht, and the jet-skies. We laugh the stories but I can't help but feel sad, knowing Anna isn't here to experience this with us. 

After multiple toilet breaks for Luca, we finally reach to estate. Juliet parks the car and runs into the house. We grab our bags and follow after her. She runs upstairs and into a massive closet where there is thousands of clothes. We stare around the room in awe as she squeals at the clothes.

We walk back to the stairs and look over the entire estate, admiring it all.

"Merda I thought we were rich, but she's like rich." Luca drags out the rich for dramatic effect and I laugh at his comment. (translation: shit)

"And you didn't get sense that she was rich from the castles and the seven million dollars worth of diamonds casually hanging around her fucking neck?" Angelo laughs at Luca as his jaw is still dropped.

"Come on, let me show you outside." We all follow Juliet down the stairs and gasp when we see the acres of grass with multiple pools, bars and it's all complete with a couple of yachts on their private beach.

"Gesù christo. She is fucking loaded." Angelo says what we are all thinking.

"What did you guys expect? She's the fucking prince of France." Juliet stares at us like we are idiots. We shrug and all walk back inside.

After a couple of hours, Luca and Angelo have made them selves at home by watching the formula one on the couch in the lounge room. Juliet and I are sat at the kitchen island.

"Juliet can I have Anna's number. I would feel much better knowing I can contact her." Juliet hums and takes my phone, putting Anna's number in it. She then walks away and watches the formula 1 and I try to think of something to text Anna.

"No I fucking hate Verstappen!"


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