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Giovanni's POV:

I can't even look at her as we walk back into the house. I feel her watch me as I walk upstairs, but when I turn back around she has already gone outside to see Luca, probably to tell him about the gender. 

I slam the door behind me, throwing my fist into the wall beside it. I groan in pain from my fist, but that doesn't stop me from picking up a lamp from the beside table and throwing it across the room, watching it smash into a thousand pieces. 

Angelo opens my door, giving me a confused look as to what is happening.

"Get out." When he doesn't move, I pick up the closest thing I can find and throw it at him. He quickly closes the door, blocking the glass from hitting his face. I yell, throwing anything and anything around the room.

Finally, after I decide I have smashed enough shit, I walk downstairs to the bar and grab a bottle of whiskey, opening it and chugging nearly half of it. I don't want to feel anything. I don't want to think about anything. I just want to forget.

I sigh as I feel the burnin sensation of the liquid going down my throat, but suddenly I feel my skin itch for the one thing that I want the most.

Take it. What's one bump going to do?

No. I can't. I made a promise. 

Forget about the promise. You can never keep them. You're a failure. Take it.

I force the voice out of my head and quickly take another swig from the bottle, slowly feeling the effects of the alcohol start to kick in. I feel the itching feeling again and I reach for a bottle of absinthe. I need something stronger.

I chug a bit before I need to take a break, screwing my face up at the foul taste. Luca comes storming in and I ignore him as he walks up to me. He grabs the bottle out of my hands and then lifts me up by the collar.

"Sei fottutamente pazzo?" I shake my head at him to which he just mimics. (translation: are you fucking insane?)

"Beh, cazzo, ti comporti così! L'amore della tua vita, Anna, che abbiamo cercato di rintracciare per mesi, è seduto proprio fuori su una sedia da biliardo, chiedendosi perché non le parli, e tu sei qui a bere come un coglione! Qual è il tuo problema?" He continues to curse at me in Italian which I'm presuming is to stop Anna from overhearing. I simply shrug at his statement. (translation: Well you fucking act like it! The love of your life, Anna, who we have been trying to track down for months, is sitting right outisde on a pool chair, wondering why you won't talk to her, and you're in here drinking like a dick! What is your issue?)

He shakes me like a rag doll before dropping me back onto the bar stool.

"Dimmi qual è il tuo fottuto problema!" I groan and throw my head down, looking at my lap. 

"It's not my child." I mumble over my words and Luca doesn't hear me.

"Speak up."

"Non è il mio fottuto bambino!" I yell at him and slam my fist down on the counter, but his demeanour doesn't falter one bit. (translation: it's not my fucking child)

"Ever since I met that woman, I knew she was special. I knew I would do anything to keep her safe, even if she wasn't mine. But now she is here and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world, yet I didn't keep her safe. I let her get beat and raped and as a result of that she is now carrying that monsters child." Luca is still mad at me as he glares at me.

"I understand your guilt but what's done is done. All you can do now is love her and protect her." I sigh and shake my head.

"How can I love her when she is carrying her abusers child?" He slams his hand on the counter.

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