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Anna's POV:

I pick up the phone and immediately Nicholas yells into the phone.

"Where are you?"

"Um, I'm with Juliet." My voice falters and he senses the lie and laughs a sinister laugh.

"It's funny that you think I don't know where you are."

"I'm sorry please. I'll come home now."

"If you aren't driving through the gates within the next five minutes, there will be hell to pay."

"Okay." I nervously swallow as the call ends and put my shoes back on. I walk back out to the living room and try to walk straight past them but Giovanni grabs my arm and pulls me back to him.

"Don't." He gives me a stern look and I try to plead with him but he doesn't budge.

"Giovanni, you don't understand."

"No, I understand perfectly fine. You're scared of what your abusive husband might do to you if you don't go home." I go to argue with him but I know he is right.

"I have to go."

"Anna, I can't let you go back. I can't let you get hurt." His eyes try to plead with me but I just shake my head.

"I'm sorry." I give him a soft look before I pull out of his grip and walk out the door. I quickly get into my Ferrari and speed off to the castle. I check the time and three minutes have gone by already so I step on the gas, speeding through the streets.

I finally reach the palace with 10 seconds left and I race through the gates and into the front yard. Nicholas is standing outside of the doors, a dark look on his face. I take a deep breath before I step out of the car and he comes storming towards me.

He harshly grabs my arm and drags me into the castle. I try to pry his arm off but his grip is too strong.


"I've fucking had it with you! You're a fucking whore!" He spits in my face and I turn my head to the side, both disgusted and scared.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah I've fucking heard that a million times." He drags me upstairs into our bedroom and I stop at the door, knowing what is about to happen.

"No Nicholas. I'm pregnant. You know how that ended last time." His eyes darken even more. He pins me up against the wall by my throat and towers over me. His hand begins to close over my neck and I feel the air being restricted from my airways.

"I don't give a shit whether you're pregnant or not. You're mine and I get to do whatever I want with you." I manage to pry away his hand just enough to speak.

"You're sick." I spit in his face and he turns his had to the side, his other and wiping it off. He brings his hand up and slaps me hard across the cheek, causing me to fall to the ground. I feel the stinging on my face as he bends down and lifts my chin up.

"If you dare step out of line again, I will ruin you. I will kill our child. I will kill your precise mum and dad. I will destroy your whole country, including everyone in it. Don't test me." I feel rage course through my veins as he stands up and turns around to walk away.

"Oh, and don't think I don't know about Giovanni. He will be the first to go. Guards." My stomach drops at his sentence and the guards grab me by the arms and throw me into my room. I scream as they lock the door behind me.

I knock and scream on the door, but eventually I give up as I know no one is going to open it for me. I sob as I realise he is going to kill Giovanni. Not to mention my country. Those are my people and I can't let him destroy them.

I wipe my tears away and crawl over to my desk, taking my phone off the table and calling Juliet. She picks up in an instant.

"Anna! I have so much to tell-"

"Not right now Juliet. Now, I need you to listen to me very carefully. This is very important."

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Oui, oui. I'm okay but I need you to get in your car right now." I hear her get in her car and turn the engine on. I track her as she leaves her house.

"What's going on Anna? Where am I going?"

"Take a left here then go straight." I watch as she does what I say.

"I will tell you after Juliet, don't worry." 

"Okay. I trust you."

"Okay take a right here then get out at the black mansion." I continue to watch the tracker as she parks the car and walks up to Giovanni's house.

"Knock on the door."

"Anna what the fuck?"

"Just do it Juliet. Please." I sound desperate as I plead with her.


I hear her knock on the door then I hear Luca answer the door. 

"Juliet? What are you doing here?"

"Anna told me to come here. She's on the phone. What's going on?"

"Giovanni! Come here! Now!"

I hear shuffling on the other side of the phone before Giovanni speaks into it.

"Anna? What happened? Why did you send Juliet?"

"Listen to me Giovanni. You all need to leave the house now. I don't know how much time you have left. My parents have an estate on the coast. Juliet knows the way."

"What the fuck Anna? What is go-"

"Do you trust me Giovanni?" Within a heartbeat he replies.

"Yes, with my life."

"Then go." I hear the door being unlocked so I hang up the call and shove the phone under the bed. Nicholas bursts through the door and pulls me up by my arms.

"We're leaving."

"What? Where are we going?" I'm confused as I look back into my closet to see everything is packed. 

"Somewhere far away where no one can find us." I stop in my tracks.

"Anna, I'm not fighting with you about this."

"No, I just left something in my room." He huffs and nods before walking down to the car. I run back to my room and grab my phone from under my bed. Before I leave, I reach up to the security camera and grab the usb just in case I change my mind.

I run down to the car and they drive us off to the airport. 


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