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I turn back to look at Giovanni one last time before Nicholas takes my hand. I pick up my dress as head leads my up the stairs to the grand stage at the front of the room. Once I'm up here I fix my dress and Nicholas grabs the microphone.

I look out in the room and see hundreds of people I don't know. Sure I see a couple familiar faces but most of them are total strangers. I see Luca, Giovanni and another man all talking but they pay attention when Nicholas clears his voice. 

"Good evening. Thank you for attending this event tonight. My wife and I would like to welcome you all into our lovely grand dining hall." The crowd claps and Nicholas hands the microphone to me. 

I wasn't prepared for a speech, but it's easy to improvise one. After all, I have been doing that most of my life.

"Nicholas and I are proud supporters of this charity. We will always do the best for this country and provide it with everything it needs. From my heart to yours, thank you for accepting me as part of your kingdom. Je vous aime tous. Have a good night and let us know if you need anything." The crowd cheers and shouts for me as we exit the stage. (Translation: I love you all)

We all sit down for dinner and surprisingly I'm sat next to Nicholas and across from Giovanni and Luca. I start to get nervous as my biggest secret lies on this table.

People start eating and talking and Nicholas turns to me.

"Darling?" I turn my attention away from Giovanni and look at Nicholas. I feel Giovanni listen in to our conversation.

"Pascal called me and said he packed everything from today. We leave at 6." I nod and return to eating my steak.

"Where are you two going? Is it the honeymoon?" Giovanni tries to seem interested from across the table but I know he is only asking to get information. Nicholas holds my hand on the table as a way of marking me his.

"I guess you could call it our honeymoon. We've been a bit too busy to actually have one. We are just going back to France for a couple of weeks. She missed her family and her kingdom needs to see their Princess." I smile at Nicholas' kind words and remove my hand from his, trying my best to stay out of the conversation.

"Oh that will be fun. I hope you two have a good time." Giovanni makes eye contact with me and I see pain in his eyes. I divert my eyes away from him. I'm not ready to face him yet and I don't think he is either.

"If you'll excuse me." I excuse myself from the table. It's all getting too much. I quickly walk into the women's bathroom and look the door so no one else can get in. 

I feel my chest tightening up at the thought of Giovanni and Nicholas. My throat starts to close and I can barely breathe thinking about going to France with Nicholas.

I reach my shaky hands up to my throat as I start to hyperventilate and the room begins to get fuzzy. I hear banging on the door but I can't let them in. I can't face them.

The door bursts open and Giovanni comes running in towards me. I fall to the ground shaking, not able to get a breath in. He attempts to soothe me, but uncontrollable sobs sound from within me.

I keep spiralling. What if Nicholas finds out that Giovanni was the father? What if he hurts me in France? I have no protection over there. Not that I had protection over here either but still.

Oh my god I'm going to die in France. Nicholas is going to kill me in France. 

"Mio tesoro. No one is going to hurt you." I realise I have been speaking my thoughts out loud as Giovanni sits in front of me, still trying to calm me down. My whole body is shaking as I hold onto him. (translation: my darling)

"Please don't let him hurt me." I say through choked sobs and he gives me a sympathetic nod.

"Don't worry mi amore, no man will never hurt you again. I will make sure of it. Breathe baby. Please breathe for me." I take in a deep breathe with him and slowly start to calm down.

"That's it. Questa è la mia ragazza. Just calm down." He picks me up and brings me over to the bench, sitting me on it. (translation: thats my girl)

He wets a towel under the sink and begins to slowly fix my makeup. He stares carefully at my face as he wipes it, avoiding eye contact.

"Giovanni." He looks at my eyes for a second before going back to look at the rest of my face.

"Giovanni please." I grab his cheeks with my hands and force him to look at me. Sadness washes over his features as he looks into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry mi amore. I should have protected you. This never should have happened." He looks down and a tear falls from his face onto my dress.

"An our baby." His voice is just above a whisper as he places his hands on my hips. I let my hands fall to his shoulders as he leans his forehead against mine and silently sobs.

"It's not your fault Giovanni. Je ne te blâme pas. Je ne le ferai jamais." Even though he doesn't understand what I'm saying, he still looks at me in the eyes like I said the best thing ever. (translation: i don't blame you. i never will)

"Really?" He looks like a little kid when their parent tells them they are proud of them.

"Really." He leans forward and kisses me passionately. He pulls me forward by my hips and leans me back slightly, never disconnecting our lips.

Before we get carried away, I pull back from him.

"Giovanni. You know how this ended last time." He shakes his head at me.

"I just wanted to kiss you." I smile at him and kiss him back. So many emotions are poured into this kiss and he smiles back at me.

"We should probably head back out." I nod my head and he leads me back out to the rest of the dinner.


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