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I wave at people as we drive to the church, smiling at their cheers for me, but my smile isn't genuine. I am still dreading this wedding no matter what.

We finally reach the church and I feel my anxiety start to rise. The church bells ring out as my papa helps me get out of the car. Juliet helps my train out the car and hands me my bouquet. Guards salute at me and I wave at people in the crowds nearby.

I look around in awe as my papa leads me into the front of the church to greet the priest. This section of the church has guests sitting in it, eagerly waiting for the wedding to start.

The church bells falls silent as we wait to begin. My papa turns to me and kisses me on the cheek while the bridesmaids all line up in front of me.

The orchestral music plays loudly as the priest and Prince Nicholas and his best man stand at the front of the alter. He is in the top section of the church so he can't see me yet. The choir gives me chills as I watch my future husband take his place at the alter. 

Juliet gives me one last look before they all start to walk ahead. The choir and orchestra accompany them walking up to the alter. I see Juliet give me a look but I pass it off as nothing.

Suddenly everyone stands up and the choir sounds like heaven. I start walking with my papa in through the church, smiling at everyone around us. I don't know how to feel about this wedding, but I have no choice now. 

My papa squeezes my arm as we walk through and I feel my anxiety rise as I come into the main section of the church. I observe how many people are here, looking at my maman in the stand along with King William and Queen Margaret. I see Pascal and Louise dry their tears in theirs seats and I can't help but giggle at them.

I put on my best smile, but it's not genuine and I'm scared someone will know. As we reach the alter, my papa helps me walk up the steps and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Tu seras pour toujours mon bébé." I smile at his comment and he squeezes my hand one last time. (Translation: you will forever be my baby)

A guard fixes my veil and dress that reach all the way from the alter to nearly the end of the church. We wait patiently for the wedding to start and Prince Nicholas turns to me.

"You look amazing." He smiles at me and I giggle at his comment.

"Merci. I could say the same about you." He is in his royal suit, looking handsome.

"Oh this old thing? I happened to find it in the back of my closet." We both laugh at his joke before we calm down as the music starts to dull down.

I look over to Juliet and gives me a look. I look confused as she points me into the crowd. I look behind me and see Pascal but I have no idea what else she is talking about.

I give her a questionable look before she comes up to me, pretending to fix my veil.

"Giovanni est dans la foule. Je ne pense pas que ce soit bon." I gasp a little at her comment and turn around to see Giovanni staring right at me. He is wearing an all black suit along with some other men around him. (Translation: giovanni is in the crowd. I don't think that's good)

Giovanni give me a wink before I turn back around to Juliet. She looks alarmed and I attempt to calm her down.

"Ne t'inquiète pas. Sa famille connaît le prince Nicholas. Je suis sûr que nous irons bien." She gives me a look before walking back to where she is supposed to be. (translation: Don't worry. His family knows Prince Nicholas. I'm sure we will be fine)

Something about Giovanni being here makes me feel a bit better. But I need to focus on Prince Nicholas. He is the one I want to be with. Right?

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