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Nicholas and I arrive back home late and he helps me into the grand foyer.

"My love, why don't you meet me in the bedroom? I have something planned for you." He smirks and runs up into the bedroom.

I slowly walk up the stairs and when I enter the bedroom, I gasp when I see rose petals and candles all around the room. Nicholas is sitting on the bed in his boxers.

"Oh Nicholas this is beautiful." He jumps up and starts to help me undo my dress.

"Only the best for my darling." He slips the dress off my shoulder, leaving me in my lace lingerie. 

His eyes roam over my body as we move back towards the bed. He carefully lays me on the bed and starts kissing me.

"I love you my darling. You're so beautiful." I hum under his touch but somehow I am not turned on. God what is wrong with me. Nicholas is the perfect guy.

He continues kissing my lips passionately while he slides off my panties and his boxers. He slides a condom on his dick and then slides it into my pussy.

I fake a moan while he genuinely moans. He starts thrusting in and out of me, however he only lasts about ten seconds before he finishes and pulls out.

I fake my orgasm and he kisses my cheek before he lies down next to me.

"Oh that was great my love." He pulls off his condom and I notice the sun start to come in through the window as he gets up to go clean himself up. 

I slide my panties back on and throw on my shirt. I sigh and stare at the roof. I don't understand why I'm not more turned on by Nicholas. Any girl would go crazy for him. 

My thoughts are interrupted by Nicholas storming back into the room. In his hand is my pregnancy test. I instantly start panicking.

"What is this?" He walks up to me angrily, causing me to crawl to the head of the bed.

"I um-"

"I um I. Fucking spit it out!" He yells in my face and cower even more into my body.

"I was going to tell you." He just gets even angrier.

"What? You were going to tell me that you're pregnant with another mans child? You're a fucking whore." Before I get time to protest, Nicholas slaps me across the face.

I feel my cheek burn and tears prick at my eyes but before I get time to react, he pulls me off the bed by my feet. I land on my back and curl up in pain.

"I'm ashamed to call you my wife. How far along are you?" He towers over me as I groan on my side.

"F-four months." My voice is small as his features get darker.

"Four months? You fucked a man the night before our wedding and never fucking told me? Unbelievable." He smashes a glass on the floor and walks away from me and just as I think he has left the room, he comes back with a baseball bat.

Fear rises in me as he walks over to me and prepares the bat to hit me.

"No, Nicholas. Please." I try pleading with him but he just laughs at me.

"Uh uh Anna. I refuse to let this child live if its not mine." He swings the bat down and hits me directly in my stomach, causing me to cry out in pain.

Tear stream down my face and my ears ring as he hits me a second and a third time. He puts the bat to the side and lifts me up, pinning me by my throat against the wall.

My cries are cut off and replaced by my choking as I try to pry his hand away from my neck.

"You're a slut. You deserve this after what you have done to me." I feel the blood rush to my head as he repeatedly punches me in the stomach, pain rushing through my abdomen. 

My head starts to go fuzzy and I feel a warmth between my legs. Suddenly he stop and lets go of me. I drop to the floor, regaining my breath.

"I hope you know how disappointed I am in you." He kneels down to my level and pulls my head back by my hair.

"If you say a word, I will do worse. I'm leaving for a bit. You need to reflect on you actions." I sob silently and watch as he leaves the room.

I look down between my legs and see a puddle of red blood trickling down them. I sob at the realisation of what happened and regret everything.


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