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I arrive back in Rome where Nicholas is and the thoughts about Giovanni and what he said resonate through my head as I enter in through the door. I walk up stairs to go to my room but turn around as I hear noises coming from Nicholas' room. 

I walk up to his door to hear moaning coming from him and another woman.

"Oh yes! Nicholas. Don't stop." I gasp and I feel rage and heartbreak surge through me. I turn away from the door, not being able to listen to it anymore, and storm into Nicholas' office. 

I rummage through his desk, throwing things everywhere. I need to know if what Giovanni said was right or not. At the bottom of his drawer, I find a letter signed by the Romano Mafia. Inside contains all of Nicholas' information.

Tears stream down my face as I continue to look. I find another envelope. Inside this one is all of my information. I furrow my brows as I continue to look and find photos of me.

"What?" I search more, eventually finding a letter with the contract between my parents and Nicholas' parents and the Romano Mafia. I read it and gasp in horror when it reveals the truth.

Nicholas's parents were going bankrupt, so they got me and Nicholas to marry to bring more publicity. However, it was discovered that Nicholas and his parents were stealing money from the Romano Mafia, so they made a deal that they could keep their money but Nicholas would have to kill me so the Romano Mafia could take whatever money they lost from my death.

I feel my body go numb as I read another letter stating that Nicholas would wait until our baby is born and then kill me.

My heart nearly stop beating and suddenly my motherly instincts kick in and I'm stumbling out of the office. I hear the moaning still going and rush out of the house in disgust. I don't care if that man kills me, but there is no way on earth I am leaving my baby alone with him. 

I rush out of the house and onto the street. Not knowing which way to go, I turn left and start running. I run down multiple streets, almost bumping into people before I get too out of breath and have to sit down on the side of the road.

Hyperventilating and sobbing, I stupidly call Giovanni on my phone. He picks up immediately.

"Giovanni, I didn't know who else to call. I don't know what to do. I'm going to die." My breathing starts to quicken and I can barely speak.

"Anna, calm down. Breathe for me baby. Please."

I breathe with Giovanni for a minute before he speaks up.

"What happened baby? Talk to me."

I'm not even mad at him anymore, and I know he is the only one I want to talk to right now. He is the only one that can calm me down with his voice.

"As soon as I left the gala, I went home. I was so mad at you for accusing Nicholas of that so I wanted to go talk to him. He hasn't talk to me in months Giovanni. He hasn't even told me the gender of our baby so I wanted to go prove you wrong. I wanted to prove that I still had a husband that loved me." I take a breath as tears stream down my face and I look up at the stars.

"I walked in the house and he was fucking another girl. He was fucking her while I'm carrying his fucking child." I laugh and shake my head at the thought. How can I be so stupid?

"So I stormed into his office. I was going to prove to you that he isn't in the Mafia. But I found the letters Giovanni. I found the fucking letters."

"I'm so sorry baby."

"That's not the end. I found a letter saying that our parents made a deal for us to marry because they were going bankrupt. But then the Romano Mafia found out Nicholas' family was stealing money so they made a deal that they could keep the money but Nicholas would have to kill me so the Romano Mafia could take the money from my death." I take another deep breathe through silent sobs.

"And Nicholas agreed. He said he would kill me after I had the baby." I hear glass smash on the other side of the phone and immediately I'm concerned.

"Antoinette, please tell me you are not anywhere near that man right now."

"No. I left. He could kill me for all I care but I will not let my child be raised by him."

"Where are you Anna?"

"I'm in Rome."

"I'm getting on a plane. Listen to me. There is an alleyway on the street Via Del Corso. I want you to find that street and open the door at the end of it. If you go in the door, there is a basement. You will be safe in there."

Immediately I stand up and walk around. Eventually I find Via Del Corso and I look down each alleyway. I find the door down one and walk up to it. I open the door and it's dark.

"Are you sure Giovanni?"

"Yes I'm fucking sure Anna. Get in the basement and do not get out until I find you understand?"

"I understand." I walk into the basement but suddenly someone comes up behind me and grabs my stomach. I scream as they wrap a cloth over my mouth and the whole world starts to go fuzzy. My legs begin to go weak and I fall into an unconscious state.


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