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I start to get anxious as we walk into the gala. I grab onto Kat's hand and she smiles at me.

"You got this. I'll be by your side the whole night, don't worry." I smile at her and we walk in and start to greet people. Kat stays by my side as I talk to many people in the room.

After an hour, I sense that Kat is getting restless by my side, and I could use some air. 

"Kat, why don't you go talk to people by yourself? I know you're dying to." She smiles at me and I drag her over to a group and start a conversation between her and Vera Wang. She excitedly thanks me and I walk outside and up to the roof, overlooking the whole gala.

I lean over the railing, admiring how everyone converses and laughs, all having a good time and leaving their worries behind. I find my mind spinning and before I can stop it, I hear someone behind me.

"What's on your mind Princess?" I would recognise that voice anywhere. 

"Giovanni." He smirks and stands next to me. I glance at him before looking back out over the gala. I see Kat enjoying herself, and it makes me happy for a mere second before I go back to being miserable. 

He takes a sip from his whiskey and I can't help but look over at him again. The way his tight shirt perfectly fits around each of his muscles and the light reflects off his sharp jawline. I pull my eyes away. I can't do that. It's probably just the pregnancy hormones.


"No." I cut him off immediately. I don't even want to entertain a conversation with him.

"Listen, I'm not here for a massive argument. I just want to know, are you truly happy?" I stay silent and watch Kat as she converses with many people around the room.

"I can't stop thinking about what you said earlier. How you were the happiest you have ever been."

"It's true."

"Mi amore, I know it's not." I turn to him and scowl.

"Don't call me that." He brushes a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Anna, you look so tired. Your cheeks are sunken in and your eyes are heavy. Hell you have bruises and marks all over you. Don't tell me that's what being happy is." His voice and face hold so much emotion as he assesses my body. I pul away from him and go back to leaning over the railing.

"You want the truth?"

"That's all I ever want cara mia." I take a deep breath before I answer him.

"No. I'm miserable." He sighs and I feel a single tear slip out of my eye.

"I should be happy. Any woman would dream to have what I have. A husband, a baby, money. I know plenty of people who would die to be in my position. But why aren't I happy Giovanni? Why can't I just be happy?" My tears dry up and I'm left with nothing. I'm left feeling numb with only just my thoughts. Giovanni stays silent beside me.

"I've thought about ending it all. Maybe that would make me happy. But I can't because of this stupid baby." As soon as the words that have been hanging around my mind slip out of my mouth I gasp.

Giovanni turns to me and catches me as I feel tears slip out of my eyes.

"Oh my god."

"Anna, it's okay. Look at me." With glassy eyes and shaky hands I look up at him.

"I'm a terrible mother. I can't protect this baby from Nicholas. I can't even protect him from me." I sob and Giovanni wipes away my tears before hugging me into his chest.

"Shh baby. It's okay. Listen to me, you are not a terrible mother. You're stronger than anyone I have ever met and I know you will do everything you can for this child. You are going to be a better mother than all of the mothers out there. And you want to know why? You have a heart of gold cara mia. You're sweet and kind and thoughtful and loving. This baby might grow up resenting it's father, but it will always praise the ground you walk on, just like everyone else does. " I nod and we stand in silence before a thought comes into my head. 

"I need to know something." I pull back from him and he nods down at me.

"What is it mi amore?"

"Is it true that you're the son of the don of the mafia?" I feel my anxiety start to rise as he looks down. He slowly nods and I feel my stomach drop.

"W-what?" I feel fear creep up the back of my neck. I have heard stories about the mafia and my dad always told me they were bad scary people. That I should stay away from them. I step away from Giovanni in fear.

"Anna please-" He steps forward causing me to step back more, putting my hand out.

"Don't come near me. God I should have known."

"You don't have to be scared mi amore. It's okay."

"No Giovanni. The mafia kills people for a living. Is that what you do? Do you just walk around killing people?" I almost shout at him, but I try to calm myself down, thinking about the baby again.

"Well, sometimes I have to. But I do it for good reasons." I scoff at his answer.

"I don't care what reason you have. You're still killing them." I turn to walk away but he shouts at me.

"How do you think I know Nicholas?" I feel my blood boil and I turn back around to face him.

"No Giovanni. Stop trying to ruin my marriage. That's all you ever do. I'm sick of it." I rush down the stairs and get in to a car out the front. I text Kat that I have left and get the driver to take me straight to the airport.


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