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I look around at the decorations in awe, taking in everything that was set up over the past day. Luca walks me in, my arm linked in his, and people clap and wave upon my arrival. I smile and say hello to people and Luca turns to me.

"I'll be back soon. I have to go do something." I nod my head and don't say anything more. I know by 'something' he either means business or Giovanni. Probably both.

People congratulate me and ask me questions about my life and the baby but after about an hour of socialising, I feel myself begin to get dizzy and my vision gets a bit blurry. I brush it off as stress and anxiety and continue to walk up to the stage.

"Hello everyone." Every begins to cheer and I smile and laugh. I find Luca in the crowd and he is whistling out to me.

"Thank you, thank you. I know I have been absent for the past few months, but that doesn't mean that I don't care. I'm constantly working on building and protecting this country so that we can be the best we have ever been. And I am always honoured to be your princess." I smile and everyone claps again. 

Suddenly, I see Giovanni standing in the back corner, watching me intensely as he sips on a drink. Just the thought of him being in the same room makes me nervous, but brings me butterflies at the same time. I push my feelings aside as everyone sits down for dinner.

I sit down next to people I don't know as Luca is put on a different table. I'm surround by my parents friends and other relatives that I don't talk to that much. I make polite conversation as we finish dinner.

I have an urge to pee so I carefully get up out of my seat and I find myself stumbling a little bit as I walk off to the bathroom, my vision still blurry. As I take off my underwear to pee, I see a little bit of blood. I am a bit alarmed but calm myself down, remembering when the doctor told me that was common.

As I am washing my hands, I feel myself start to get more dizzy. I grab onto the counter as my vision doubles. I try to push the feeling aside, but I know something is wrong when I start to feel sharp cramps in my stomach.

I groan in pain, my handing holding onto my lower stomach trying to relieve some of the pressure and pain. I have to get to a hospital. I'm worried something is seriously wrong. 

My lower back starts to hurt as I stumble out of the bathroom, my vision still slightly blurry. I look around the room trying to find Luca. People try to talk to me but I avoid them. They can't know anything is wrong. 

I walk to the back of the room where no one is and walk down a little hallway. I keep looking for Luca as I groan out in pain again at the pains in my stomach. 

I continue to stumble down the hallway and to my try to open the door at the end of it but it's locked. I rattle the handle, knowing that Luca is in there as it is the VIP section, but it doesn't open.

"What are you trying to do Princess?" I huff and turn around, coming face to face with the one person I didn't want to encounter tonight.

"Not now Giovanni." He rolls his eyes at me.

"You really are a fucking princess. Always ordering people around." I feel anger rise through me.

"I swear to fucking- Ahh oh my god!" I scream out in pain and nearly fall to the ground but Giovanni catches me, holding me upright. He looks down at me worriedly and I desperately look into his eyes.

"I don't know what's happening Giovanni. I'm scared." I start to freak out but he grabs my cheeks, looking between my eyes.

"I've got you mi amore. Don't worry." I nod but our moment is interrupted by a gush of water flowing out from between my legs.

Princess by BloodWhere stories live. Discover now