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Giovanni's POV: (italian translations)

I can't get her out of my head. From her gorgeous long hair, to her curious eyes, to her angelic french accent. She is all I can think about during this meeting.

"Giovanni? What do you think?" Luca snaps me out of my thoughts and I glare at him.

"Ask my father. He's the dom. Cosa dovrei sapere." He huffs at my answer and I pick up my whiskey, throwing it back like it's water but enjoying the burn in my throat. (translation: what am I supposed to know)

"Non stai nemmeno prestando attenzione Giovanni. Help us out a bit." Angelo decides to comment and gets on my nerves. I slam the glass back down on the table. (translation: You're not even paying attention)

"I told you to ask my fucking father. Gesù christo." I run my hands through my hair and block them out as they start to talk again. (translation: jesus christ)

My attention is taken by Anna and Juliet walking in through the entrance in the corner. They walk over to a booth and slide in it, sipping from their drinks. They look out the window and I can't help but notice how beautiful Anna is. That dick Prince Nicholas doesn't deserve her.

Anna looks up to me and I hold my stare into her gorgeous eyes. She crosses her legs tighter and her reaction makes me smirk. I call the bartender over to me as she continues to talk to Juliet.

"Ho bisogno di bevute continue a quel tavolo laggiù. Mettilo sulla mia scheda." The bartender nods and goes back to the bar. (Translation: I need constant drinks over to that table over there. put it on my tab)

Luca gives me a weird look and I simply roll my eyes and sit back in my seat, keeping my eyes on Anna the whole night. 

A couple hours pass and Anna and Juliet stumble out of the club. I turn my attention back to my table and stand up.

"Ho finito qui. Scrivimi se hai bisogno di qualcosa." I walk away from the table and walk out the club. (Translation: i'm done here message me if you need anything)

I see Anna and Juliet struggling to get into their car. Shit, it's a nice car. I can't get distracted. The paparazzi are taking pictures, blinding them and me.

I run up to Anna and cover her from the paparazzi with my body. Juliet stumbles next to us.

"Heyyy Giovanni." She slurs her words and innocently looks up at me, placing her hands on my chest. I can feel my pants becoming tighter but I have to ignore it and make sure she gets home safe.

"You're hot. I would much rather marry you than Nicholas." I laugh at her comment as I'm sure its untrue.

"Okay, Anna, your prince is probably wondering where you are so we have to get you home." I turn around to see Angelo and Luca wondering what all the commotion is about. They frown at the paparazzi but notice me and run up to me.

"Giovanni, what's this about?" Luca questions but realises as soon as he sees Anna and Juliet. I nod and frown at him while Anna continues to play with the buttons of my shirt.

Luca introduces himself to Juliet and she willingly goes in his car. I walk Anna around to the passenger seat of her car and strap her in before walk around to the drivers seat. I rev up the engine and leave the club.

"Giovanni?" I look over to Anna, worried that she is going to throw up.

"Yes Antoinette?" She smiles at the use of her full name and sits up properly.

"Don't let me get married tomorrow." I frown at her words as I focus on driving her back home, the car feeling immaculate beneath me. I need one like it.

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