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Luca's POV:

Angelo looks at me from the couch, worry written all over his face. I know that look all too well. We rush out the door and down the road to find Giovanni. I scream and shout, sprinting in the direction I think he went.

I finally find him, passed out in the middle of the road. I fall to my knees, grasping his face, trying to get him to respond.

"Giovanni! Answer me!" Angelo comes running up to me.

"Get an ambulance." He nods and starts to ring on his phone. I notice Giovanni isn't breathing.

"Shit." I start doing chest compressions before giving him mouth to mouth. After about 2 minutes, I start to loose hope. 

"Come on Giovanni. We can't loose you." Suddenly the ambulance arrives and they quickly take him away to hospital. I tell Angelo to go with him to supervise him and I walk back to my house to get in the car and drive up to the palace.

I drive up to the gates and press on the buzzer.

"It's me Anna. Let me in." She buzzes me in and I drive in, quickly walking up to the door. She falls to her knees sobbing as I tell her what happened. I quickly hold her in my arms, giving her all the time she needs.

"It's okay Anna. He will be okay." 

"What if he dies Luca? He was alone. I should have never left him. This is all my fault." I cup her face, looking at her deeply in the eyes.

"No Anna. You needed time away. What he did was wrong. You did what you had to do." Tears stream down her face as she nods.

"It will be okay Anna. Everything is going to work out. I've got you." I smile at her and the look she gives me confuses me.

A shock runs through my system as she suddenly presses her lips to mine. I pull back, looking into her eyes. She pleads with me and I connect my lips back to hers.

She breathes in, indulging every moment of this powerful kiss before pulling back and connecting her forehead to mine.

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't you ever be sorry." She nods and smiles before I help her stand up and take her to her room. She falls asleep and I stand by the door, making sure she is okay. 

As I watch her, I realise something that could get me in a lot of trouble.

I love Anna.


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