Chapter 29

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Rocco was angry beyond angry but bigger than that, he was terrified. Obviously, he'd experimented with pot back in the day. He knew it was rarely a drug that caused overdoses or became fatal. But Gavin was so small. His brain was still developing. What if this caused permanent damage? 

"Do you know how long ago he consumed them?" The doctor was asking as they wheeled Gavin into a room.

"I think an hour, maybe less."

He knew it had to be after he jumped in the shower. Alyssa said she'd watch him while she did her hair and makeup. He'd taken his time in the shower, lost in his thoughts.

He was so focused on what he wanted to get out of the dinner they would have. He wasted precious time when he could've stopped this from happening. He should've known better!

He'd never trust her again. He didn't believe for a second the candies weren't hers. Dani wouldn't bring drugs into their house; he knew that. Alyssa, on the other hand, absolutely would.

Focus, he told himself, trying his best to stay calm.

He stood in the corner of the room as the doctors started looking at Gavin.

"We're hooking him up to our machines to get a good look at his vitals." One of the doctors told him.

"He's breathing alone, which is a great sign," he added. "I'm Dr. Dayton. I'm in charge of your son's case."

Rocco just nodded numbly. Later, he wouldn't even remember what any of the doctors looked like; he was too focused on Gavin. His little boy looked so pale and tiny. He was hardly holding it together. He was so close to the edge he could feel a breakdown coming on. He kept having to mentally tell himself to stay calm. Gavin needed him right now.

The machines above Gavin's bed started beeping and making other noises.

"Vitals are looking good."

"So, he's going to be, okay?" Rocco asked. "Please, whatever you need to do, please make him okay."

"It's a lot of THC for a small boy to ingest. The effect probably overwhelmed his system, which caused him to pass out. It should pass, and he should make a full recovery."


"We won't know for sure until he wakes up, though our best bet is to let him sleep it off. It's too late to pump his stomach." Dr. Dayton explained.

"What are the risks? What if he isn't okay when he wakes up?" Rocco felt like the entire room was spinning. All he wanted to hear was his son's laughter.

"It's rare for marijuana to leave any lasting negative effects, even in children. We are lucky these were from a legitimate dispensary. If they were illegal, they could've had other drugs in them," The doctor warned. "We will test his cognitive abilities when he first wakes and again when marijuana is out of his system."

"How long could that take?"

"He's very young, and these are very potent. Could be up to 24 hours." The doctor said. "He'll probably wake up within the hour, though."

"Can I sit with him until he does?"

"Yes. I was going to recommend that." The doctor nodded. "He may be very confused when he wakes up. Wasn't your wife going to join us?"

"Uh... that was my sister-in-law, his aunt," Rocco explained hastily. "But Gavin adores her; he'd be very happy to see her when he wakes up."

"I see. The nurse probably didn't let her in, then," he said apologetically. "Hospital policy is only parents can sit with him."

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