April fools!

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"Yo, you got the whipped cream Fwhip?"

"Yeah, this is gonna be EPIC!" He squealed.

I grinned. We were first gonna prank Gem, she's Fwhip's sister after all. Then we would move swiftly onto the Moons, preferably on Lizzie or Joel.

I rummaged through my backpack and brought out a can of pineapples.

"Sausage? PINEAPPLES?"


"No WATER?" asked Fwhip.

"Okay, fine, I did have water, but pineapples are so much better!"

Fwhip chuckled "Alright then."

We headed down the corridor, pretending to chat about stuff.

Then Fwhip asked an actual question "Have you heard about the football stuff? It's on the fifth."

"TO SAINT PEARL?! THAT'S IN FOUR DAYS?" Sausage whisper-yelled.

"Yeah, did you not know?" He asked, confused.

"I think they did say..."

"SAUSAGEEE!" Fwhip shouted.

"Sorry." Sausage giggled.

We moved quickly through the corridors, hoping to cross Gem off our prank list.

"Target aquired." Fwhip whispered.

Gem was standing a foot away, holding a large book. We crept silently towards her, not making a single sound.

"Fwhip, Sausage." She said.

We froze. Then I burst out "HOW THE IN SAINT PEARL???"

Fwhip giggled but was stopped by Gem's stare. We both approached her, arms up hands empty.

"You two! So do you guys have engl- AGUAHHHH!" She screamed as me and Fwhip dumped pineapples on her "YOU GUYSSS!"

We grinned. "Sorry Gem." 

"Whatever. Oh! Now I'm gonna be late to first perioddddd..."

"Sorry again." We ran across the corridor, giggling before Gem could reach us.

After lunch we headed back in the corridor, looking for another victim.

"Sandwich?" Fwhip asked, holding out a ham sandwich in a sandwich bag.

"I just had lunch, but sure." I said, grabbing half of it. As me and Fwhip chowed down on ham and bread, we noticed Scott and Shelby in the hall.

"Bingo." Fwhip whispered. We rummaged through our bag and brought out some whipped cream.

"I would've preferred Lizzie." I mumbled. Me and Shelby used to be best friends, until pirate Joe got in the way, telling lies about me and Shelby, fighting with her everyday.

Fwhip sensed my sadness. "I'll do it, okay? You can watch if you like."

"Thanks." I said. And I meant it. Any interaction with me and Shelby was now highly awkward.

Fwhip crept towards them. I stood up to get a better view. Scott and her were chatting away. Fwhip shook the canister of cream, then ate some to check if it worked. He was getting closer. Just a few centimeters. I saw Scott turn in alarm, then push Shelby to the side. She stumbled, falling onto the floor. Scott stood in front of her, trying to push Fwhip away.

Then I heard the pitter patter of steps as Jimmy ran in front of Scott, getting whipped cream in his face in the process.

I started to run towards them as Shelby got up with a murderous look on her face. Scott looked shocked and Jimmy was confused. Fwhip stumbled and I caught him, helping him to his feet as we gazed at Scott and Shelby.

"LET ME HAVE THEM!" Shelby was shouting as Scott held her back. Jim then decided to help Scott before he was ripped apart by Shelby. The look in her eyes... I hadn't seen it before. It was pure hatred. For a second, they glowed turqoise, the white in her eyes becoming black for a moment. Scott flinched. I could tell he had seen it too. I looked into his eyes for a moment. Something was clearly wrong.

"LET ME GO YOU IDIOT!" Shelby screamed. She was actually fighting now. I could see sweat pour down Jim and Scott's face.

Then, she broke free. She punched Fwhip in the nose. He doubled over as I supported him with my arm. "WHAT IN SAINT PEARL?!" I screamed at her.


I ran full pelt at her and attempted to punch her. She tried to punch back but missed me by an inch. Instead, she hit Scott. Her face showed no remorse as Scott's lip started to bleed. Tears rolled down his face. "Shelbs?" He whispered.

She looked directly into his eyes and smiled.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Jim screamed. He tried to punch her, but she caught his fist and turned it. Jimmy screamed in agony as he fell to the floor, clutching his arm. Scott supported him against the lockers, turning to Shelby.

"Sh-Shelbs?" He said even quieter. He seemed so much more hesitant. Then he seemed to realise what she had done. "HOW COULD YOU? WHY WOULD YOU SO THAT? JIM MAY BE A SUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HURT HIM LIKE THAT!" 

"I don't know what you mean Scott." She said quietly. Her eyes glowed once more. "You were always okay with violence. Perhaps you've become WEAK?" She lashed out at Scott, throwing a blow at his nose. His nose started to bleed as well. He hoisted Jim up and motioned to Fwhip to help him. Fwhip did so. I stood there, aghast at what my former friend had done. Her eyes seemed to dim. I walked down the corridor with Jim, Fwhip and Scott, helping Scott carry Jim and letting him lean of my shoulder as he did so.

849 words! I had a touch of writer's block for a while. I know ESMP 2 is done, but oh well.

An ESMP Highschool AU: Imperiya High (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now