THE 1ST DAY of no football!

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Three days of no football huh? It kinda keeps people alive in here-

"Katherine!" I shouted as she entered the school. I waved to her. When she ignored me I ran up to her.

"Heyy Kath!" I said.

"What do you want, Joey?" She grumbled.

"Nothing, my princess!"

She held out her hand and I dumped the TNT bracelet I'd stolen from Jimmy into her palm.

"C'mon." She said reluctantly as I skipped along next to her.

"JIMMY!" She called. He materialised out of behind a locker.

"WOAH! JIMMY! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! Anyways, I have something a certain PIRATE," She glared at me pointedly, "has STOLEN."

Jimmy took the bracelet. "Phew. Thanks Katherine. It's kinda important to me."

"Ya welcome." She said and she and Jimmy went their seperate ways. I followed her.

"Are you gonna follow me like that all day?" she asked.


She'd already dissapeared.



I was so damn excited to be going to get ice cream with Shelby. We'd resceduled to after school today.

"Hi Gem!" I greeted the girl with a nod of my head, drumming my fingers on the table.

"How are you early?" asked Gem. "You're never early."

"Well- uh..."

"Are you... excited for something?" She asked, seeing my twitchy state.

"I'm going on a- kind of- it's kind of a date..." I blushed.

"Have you finally gave in to pirate Joe?" She asked.

"Well no-"

"Who's the lucky guy? Or gal?"

"Erm- Shelby?" I said hesitantly.

She nearly spat out her water, then gulped it down. "SHE-SHELBY? FROM THE MOONS? SHE'S GONNA BE THE END OF YOU!"

"Well what other Shelby's do we know?" I muttered.

"Scratch this girl being the end of you, you might be the end of yourself." she muttered.

"What's so bad about Shelby?"

"Well... I heard she's practicing dark magic... and she nearly killed someone..." 

I raised an eyebrow "And who told you that?"

"Pirate Joe." She said.

I sighed. "Girl, you know those two are always neck 'n neck, fighting each other."

"Sometimes over you-"

I punched her jokingly in the arm and our history teacher walked in, along with most of the class.

After school, I was chatting with Gem. 

"Katherine!" A certain pirate came up to me. "Come over here!"

"Well... I haven't really got the time..."

"Why?" He asked like a curious puppy.

"I arranged something with someone... kinda a date..."

"Who?" He asked.

"Well I'm not gonna tell you, am I?" I said defensively.

"It's Shelby, isn't it." He said.

 I stayed silent.

"I KNEW IT!" He shouted. 

"Ok, ok can I please go now?"

"You're not going anywhere with that b*st*rd." He said grimly.

"Wha- No!" I punched him in the arm.

He didn't even flinch.

"How?" I asked.

"Cause I'm not me." Joey came out of the shadows, wearing a sly grin. "That's one of my crew." He held up a recording tape. "Go, and I'll tell everyone you're dating Shelby. Stay here and away from Shelby."

"I'm fine with everyone saying that." I said indifferently. 

"I'll spill Shelby's secret and I'll break your necklace." 

I checked my neck. "GIVE THAT BACK!"

He grinned "If you stay."

"GIVE THAT- wait- Shelby's secret?"

He grinned. "You don't know, do you? Stay here."

I didn't know what to do. He grabbed my wrist. "We're going to my house." He announced.


I waited for Katherine at the entrance of the ice-cream shop. I checked my watch. She was 10 minutes late. 

Where the hell was she?

A light drizzle of rain began to pour. I groaned.

Then I saw Sausage and Fwhip. Even worse day.

"Why are you here?" Fwhip growled.

"Why are you here?" I countered.

"Me and Fwhip are hanging out." He said.

"Well I'm waiting for someone so we can hang out, too." I said.

An hour passed as I waited outside the Ice cream shop. Fwhip and Sausage came outside and looked at soaking- wet me.

"Awww, did someone get stood up on a dateeee?" Fwhip said mockingly.

I tried to punch him "Go the hell away."

"Still won't swear?" He said "Guess you really are weak."

"Do. You. Want. Another. Broken. Nose." I said furiously.

Fwhip laughed as he and Sausage walked away. I slid down the brick wall.

Why am I like this?


They've all gone a bit kooky.

An ESMP Highschool AU: Imperiya High (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now