Twenty One

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A week later the funeral for Quinn was held at his birthplace in Pittsburgh. I watched along with his parents Linda and Paul as they lowered his silver casket into the ground. They put the dirt back in the ground, and they walked in with his tombstone. His friends and the rest of the family said their last goodbyes and left the area, continuing on with their lives.

I stayed with Linda and Paul, as I walked up to the grave, holding a single rose. I knelt down on the ground and touched the dirt from which his body was buried.

"I'm so sorry...." I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Linda knelt down next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Quinn looked alot like his mother, which was a thing he took to heart.

"There is no need to apologize, honey." She replied, rubbing my shoulder. "He loved you very much, so much his heart ached."

I looked over at my mother-in-law and smiled gently. "Thank you."

Linda shook my shoulder a bit and smiled back. She looked over at her dead son's grave and she kissed the tombstone. "Fly high my boy. Mom and Dad love you very much." she said before standing up and following Paul towards their minivan.

I glanced down at my rose and placed it on his grave. I took my wedding ring off and dug it into the dirt right above where his head was. "I love you, and I miss you." I said, before standing up and making my way out of the graveyard.


The next week I stayed at SHIELD, training on my abilities and helping the rest of the agents when I could. It felt so empty and so blank, I had no idea what to feel. Daisy and Fitz offered to be my support but I didn't want them to feel sympathy for me. I just felt so gone and so empty. Even though my torment is over, I felt so lonely without Quinn.

I finished my training that day and made my way down the hall to my quarters, taking off my gloves and wiping the sweat off my forehead. Working in this tight grey jumpsuit was hectic. As I walked I noticed a bright blue light coming from a room I passed.

I paused, frowning at what I just saw. I turned around and walked back at the doorway of the room. I glanced around, making sure there was no one else watching me before I made my way inside the room.

There was a big silver circular object that looked like something for a portal of sorts, which was odd. But what caught my attention was a glowing blue cube that was floating on the table next to it. I walked up to it, entranced by it's beauty. Inside it looked like galaxies upon galaxies, and it looked so gorgeous to me.

I felt its presence and it felt mine. It was strong intense, not inanimate but alive. I looked over at the portal and back.

Earth disappointed me. I need something better.

I lifted up the cube, and I moved it towards the portal, where it floated in the middle and expanded to a portal of swirling blue galaxies.

"Let my fate be a good one." I said.

"Lilith! What are you doing?" I turned to see Simms looking at me in panic. "This is off limits!" She added.

I looked back at the portal, the future that awaits me. "I need to go, sorry." I said.


Too late, I already jumped through the portal, being greeted by many stars, galaxies, and fabrics of time and space. I smiled at how fast I was moving, and it was then shortly the portal opened again to a dark grey sandy area, and I landed on the sand, and I winced in pain.

I looked up to see the portal has closed and I looked around. The sky was filled with many other planets, but not from our Solar System, it was in many different shades of blue, and stars that shined brighter than ever. I looked down at the grey sand and the gray whatever I was on. I looked ahead and saw a bright light from afar, a dark and very cyber city, which was guarded by gates.

I huffed gently. "Where am I?" I muttered.

It was then I heard an engine roar and I looked up seeing a levitating silver ship, and it landed gently upon the sand. The door opened, and out came two grey colored, humanoid aliens that seemed to be the leaders. One had a dark cape and a heavy staff with a star symbol on it, and the other looked a bit more human but with armour on.

"Who are you?" The first one said.

I looked around at the area and back. "Lilith Grey." I replied.

The second one looked at me in interest, his eyes glowing silver.

My eyes glowed as well, and I felt the presence the ship and it made it levitate some more.

The first one watched me in awe. "Lilith Grey, our for-seen Guardian of the Vividian City, we have been waiting for you to come."

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