Money talks

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Mia pov 💅

I was still standing in front of the gate taking it all in when suddenly a voice came from the right startling me.
"You must be Mia Bykov. "
I turned to the source of the voice. A lady who looked to be in her early forties was standing there with a smile.
"I am one of the guidance counsellors. Morticia Finn. "

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Finn. How did you know about me? "
I greeted her and asked.
"Oh, your father talked to the principal about your arrival this morning. Since I was assigned as your guidance counselor I had to come receive you. "
She turned to the driver.
"You can leave her in my care now, thank you very much. "
He handed me the luggage and left.
"Come on we have a lot to discuss. "

"What do you mean by you are my guidance counselor? "
I asked as we walked inside.
"Oh, you see there are many students who come here. Some of them take admission. They mostly come from very... influential families. "
"Must be wealthy. " I muttered.
"Ah yes. But we do have many who don't have such pleasant backgrounds in case you were wondering. "
"So what, you give scholarships. Is there an entrance test or something? "

I asked. It did not make sense. I caught her earlier hesitation when she said, influential families. Surely if mafia bosses are sending their kids here they don't give poor kids scholarships based on their academics. Who would even want to come here?

"Oh no. We don't do that here. How do I explain this? Well. Some of these kids are troubled. And in need of guidance. You know sometimes when some kids do petty crimes and the judge thinks let's not send them to juvenile prison and a rehabilitation center. But we are in the twenty-first century. So instead we call it a school for troubled teens. "

"Wait. Let's just get to the point. Most of the kids here have a criminal record but didn't go to jail because of Daddy's money. Some were sent here by their crime lord fathers to toughen them up or teach them a lesson. Oh, and you mentioned some kids who are not uber-rich. But they are criminals. Maybe children of some foot soldier in the mafia who begged their boss to save his kid from jail time. Is that what you are saying? "
I asked losing my patience.

She stared at me for a moment before saying "Yes Mia that's exactly what I am saying. "
"So which category am I in? The rich but spoilt need a lesson type. "
"Well, not every kid who comes here is being punished. You see some parents send them here for their protection. The contract says that no rival faction will kill an heir on these grounds. Out of here... "
She trailed off.

"That agreement has a lot of holes. Only the heirs. What about the others? And killing is not the only way to hurt people. " I said.
"Well, that's why we have rules. " She countered.
"All this still doesn't explain why a guidance counsellor. "
"Don't be so naive. The kids who are sentenced here for some time all have one. I have thirty kids under me including you. Say someone was sent here for six months for just petty stealing he will have one with some other rules. "

"Then why do I have one? I wasn't arrested and sentenced. "
"I have a girl under me who vandalised her dad's car with graffiti. She wasn't arrested either but you see the problem. When your dad filled the form he checked a few sections. I am aware that you tried to physically assault your sister and exposed her to substances to which she was dangerously allergic among other things. "

She deadpanned losing her patience with my questioning. I nodded. At least some of it makes sense. So this boarding school is for keeping spoiled mafia kids safe but also a glorified prison because their fathers get them sent here instead of jail when they get caught. I am not a fool. She did not tell me everything. I suspect some of these kids were not sentenced here. They are serving jail time on the record but actually live here till their sentence ends. Well, money does talk to some degree.

All this sounds so jolly doesn't it?


Ok, so I want to just say that this place is fictional. It holds no real resemblance to any rehabilitation centres for kids or a real boarding school as such.
I am not so sure how to portray this school.
Tell me in the comments if you have some more ideas or if the direction I am going is fine.
Creative minds are always welcome here.





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