Chapter 35: Longing for normality

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Kathi was rudely shaken out of her sleep. "What's wrong?" she asked, as sleepy as she was annoyed. "Why did you wake me up so abruptly? That could have been done more nicely, couldn't it?"

She sat up and rubbed her eyes to see anything at all. She looked into the room. The last rays of the setting sun bathed the room in a last light, soon she would certainly not recognize anything without the electric light. Sandra was bent over the bed with an almost eerie good-humored smile on her face. "Tell me, is everything all right?" continued Kathi when she saw the smile.

"I'd almost say I've never felt better." she replied, throwing herself full force onto her bed into Kathi's arms.

"Whew..." coughed Kathi. "What's this going to be? What about your parents?" she asked, confused.

"Everything's fine." replied Sandra, placing her index finger on Kathi's lips. Kathi who was still a bit overwhelmed by the situation couldn't say anything even if she wanted to. The next moment she already felt Sandra's lovely lips on her lips. She closed her eyes and gave herself to the moment of passion. For what felt like an eternity Sandra's lips detached from hers.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Sandra?" asked Kathi, confused. "How come the sudden openness?"

"Well we seem to have gotten too comfortable. My father came in earlier to get us for dinner. We were both lying in bed arm in arm. Well, the rest my parents somehow figured out, or rather my mother thought she had to have an enlightening conversation right away." replied Sandra.

"Oops. Sounds anything but pleasant I would say. I hope I didn't get you into any trouble?" replied Kathi.

"You're just as good to use after waking up as Sarah, aren't you? You can tell you two are related. Do you think I would be standing in front of you beaming with joy and kissing you passionately if my parents were pushing any stress? If both of them had a problem with it, you would be well on your way back to your vacation home, you can assume that," Sandra explained.

"That means your parents know about it and don't have a problem with it?" asked Kathi in amazement.

Sandra shook her head slightly. "You guys are really useless after waking up. You have to be told everything three times to get it through to you, don't you? Yes, my parents know and it's perfectly okay what we do. I'm supposed to get you something to eat now. I hope you are hungry?" asked Sandra.

"Um...yeh...yes, it is. I'm just a bit flabbergasted that this has all been cleared up so quickly and doesn't cause any problems. I would have expected that it would take more time or that you wanted to prepare your parents gently," Kathi replied.

"Well, that was the plan, but unfortunately it fell through due to our insomnia last night. I hope you don't have a problem with me getting my act together, do you?" asked Sandra.

"Well in our closer environment it probably would have been noticed or brought up at some point anyway, so it doesn't bother me as much. But I don't necessarily recommend you peddle it. There are enough people who are not as insightful as your parents, my mother, my aunt or Sarah. It can backfire sometimes," Kathi countered.

"Did you have bad experiences there or why do you emphasize that now?" Sandra probed further.

"Yes, I have also had bad experiences with it, but I'll tell you about that another time. Now I guess we'd better join your parents, right?" replied Kathi.

"Hmmm...too bad, I would have liked to know that now, but you're right somewhere, we shouldn't keep them waiting too long." replied Sandra.

The two girls left Sandra's room and made their way downstairs. On the way, the smell of a wholesome meal grew stronger and stronger. The smell made Kathi's mouth water more and more.

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