Chapter 47: The reckoning comes at the end

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Everyone present turned to the door, which was torn open with a flourish.

"What is this all about?" asked the judge angrily.

"I beg your pardon. I'm here to say something." made Kathi loudly clear.

"If you are Sandra Schneider, then for one thing you are late and for another you do not speak in that tone in this courtroom, do we understand each other?" he asked Kathi.

"Um...I'm Sandra." meekly spoke up behind Kathi.

"Then who are you and who is the gentleman with you?" the judge asked.

"Mr. Chairman, this is the niece of my client. Unfortunately, I don't know the gentleman," Jochen explained.

"Mrs. Kraus do you know the gentleman?" the judge asked Helen.

"This is Stefan an old friend and colleague. Can I talk to the two of them right now?" asked Helen.

"Still the trial is interrupted so you have the possibility." he said and Helen and Jochen hurried to the two unexpected guests and Sandra.

"Kathi what are you doing here?" asked Helen worriedly. "I told you not to come here and I told you to watch out that she doesn't just run away Stefan."

"Yes I know, but I guess your niece got it into her head and just wouldn't let me talk her out of it. I cleared it with the head doctor. He said she could go to the trial, but sent me along to keep an eye on her." explained Stefan.

"And why do you arrive here with them Sandra?" asked her father.

"Um...I..." stammered Sandra.

"She was supposed to help me run away from the hospital." explained Kathi.

"Is that true?" continued Jochen.

"Yes. I'm sorry, but Kathi insisted on coming here, what was I supposed to do. No matter what I would have done something I would have done wrong." replied Sandra sadly.

"We'll talk about that later," said Jochen.

"I agree," added Helen.

"Can I say something now then?" asked Kathi.

"Wait a minute, I'm sorting it out." said Jochen and went to the judge's desk and spoke to the judge. A few moments he came back and said, "Ok I talked to the judge. He's going to take you before Sandra, but probably just because he wants to give you a piece of his mind for your performance. Sandra you have to go out, you will be called. I think Stefan should sit in the audience," Jochen explained.

Stefan sat down on one of the chairs for spectators, while Sandra left the hall and evaluated outside.

"Mr. Chairman, I think we can proceed." said Jochen and sat down again with Helen to the side. Kathi, who was still standing near the entrance, went to the chair where Sarah had just been sitting and sat down.

The judge looked at her seriously. "So you are Katharina Jansen? How dare you barge in here like this?" he asked again.

"Sorry. I was just a little loaded because everyone said I shouldn't come to the trial. I can't just lie idle in my sick bed while someone here decides about me without me speaking up," Kathi explained.

"That's right, but it's still no reason to rush into a courtroom. Remember that next time," the judge admonished her.

"I'll keep that in mind," Kathi replied.

"Good, then let's get to your personal data. So from the file of the youth welfare office, which I have, I know that your name is Katharina Jansen and you are 15 years old. Where do you live?" asked the judge.

Fateful beginning of vacationsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें