Chapter 51: The brother of the tutoring student

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Sarah had expected anything and everything but him. This so unfriendly guy she had bumped into in town was standing in front of her front door and was no less confused than she was as Sarah realized.

"What are you doing here?" asked Sarah of him.

"I'm supposed to pick up my sister. It's 11 Lindenstrasse, isn't it?" he gave as an answer.

"Yes it is. You're Leonie's brother?" Sarah asked him in a somewhat friendly tone.

"Jo I am. Can I come in?" he asked.

"Sure, we just finished," Sarah said.

"Well then, I ever just got here in time." he commented on Sarah's statement and walked in. This time he was wearing clothes you wear when you ride a motorcycle. She looked outside again and saw a motorcycle parked in the driveway. She closed the door and showed the unexpected guest the way to the kitchen.

"TOM." greeted Leonie beaming with joy.

"Well Kurze what are you in such a good mood?" he asked Leonie.

"I understood about fractions and even solved a problem all by myself." she reported proudly. "Sarah did a great job explaining what I had to pay attention to," Leonie added.

"Dad will be happy about that," Tom replied.

"I'm sure he will. Dad already told me that he knows Sarah and that she is really nice," she told her brother.

Tom turned to Sarah, who was still standing behind him.

"You know my father?" he asked, amazed.

"Yeah didn't he tell you who I am?" replied Sarah.

"Nah why should he. You can't be that well known, can you?" he asked.

"Maybe not, but your father is my mother's boyfriend," Sarah explained.

"Oh yes, he told me about you. But somehow the stories fit in my opinion rather less." Tom gave as a comment.

"Why is that?" asked Sarah.

"Well he said something about nice and friendly. When I think about our last encounter, that doesn't fit at all." he explained to her.

"If you can't watch where you're going," Sarah countered.

"Says the right girl. You ran right into me, not me into you. And then you have nothing better to do than to bully me." he complained.

"You've met before?" asked Leonie, confused.

"Yeah shortly after we moved here. Sarah totally ran into me." explained Tom to his sister.

"Oh well, I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it." said Leonie.

"It doesn't really matter, Leonie. You'd better start packing your things." Tom instructed her.

"Sure I will." said Leonie and packed her things.

"Tell me, are your exams over now?" asked Leonie suddenly.

"Yes they are. All through and passed." said Leonie.

"Cool, then you can come to school tomorrow." Leonie was happy.

"Yes I can." he answered his sister.

"What kind of exams?" asked Sarah.

"Oh, there were some problems at my old school. I had to take exams and I was sick. I needed the results to be able to go to the new school. I think we'll be seeing more of each other from now on," he said with a cheeky grin.

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