Chapter 2: The Goddesses of Lastation

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"C'mon, Nanu! Nepgear!" Neptune shouted to her two younger siblings.

"Wait! Neptune!" Nepgear yelled back. Nanu just walked toward them at a normal pace. The three siblings were on a trip to Lastation on Noire's request. Apparently, there's a town littered with Dogoos and Noire and Uni are too busy with other work, so they asked the Nep family to deal with it. "Nanu, you should act more excited." Nepgear said.

At her request, he raised his fist lazily in the air and gave a very hearty, but not really, "Yay..."

Neptune put her hands on her hips and pouted. "Seriously? C'mon. More energy." She suggested. He made a slight chuckle and cracked a smile.

"Okay." He said and pumped his fist in the air more violently and shouted, "YEAH!! WOO!!" At the top of his lungs.

Neptune and Nepgear's faces were priceless. But nevertheless, Neptune smiled and they continued their way to Lastation.  The way was pretty straight forward. Lastation is Planeptune's closest neighboring country.

Finally, the party arrives in Lastation and go straight to the Basilicom to see Noire and introduce Uni to Nanu. "Heeey, Noire!!" Nep yelled as they all entered Noire's room.

"Ugh. What now?" The black haired girl asked. Noire wasn't very good when it came to making friends. Maybe that's why she's so lonely.

"Aw. C'mon. We're friends aren't we?" Neptune asked. Noire denied her claim and told the trio what the mission was. "Man. Sounds like a pain." Neptune complained.

"Well, either way, it'll help us later. This could help us gather more Shares." Nepgear said.

Neptune's eye widened. Then she started to smile a bit. "Yeah. I guess you're right. Thanks for the job, Noire." She cheered. "C'mon you two. Let's go!" Nep said.

Nanu was talking with Uni as Nep and Noire were arguing. "So you're Uni. Nepgear said good things about you. Said you were good with the gun." He said.

"Thanks. I guess I'm pretty good. But Noire is better at fighting than I am." She said.

"Well, you never know. Do you always put yourself down?" He asked. Uni didn't speak. "You need to believe in yourself more. Do that and you could be a better CPU than Noire ever was." He said. Uni blushed a bit and turned away. Nep called and Nanu left the building with his two siblings.

The mission went smoothly. I mean, c'mon. They were just dogoos. But there was a lot of them. Nanu and the others went back to the Planeptune Basilicom. "We're home!" Neptune shouted as Peashy ran into sight to greet her with a tackle. Peashy was strong, that was for sure. Not only is she a new CPU, she is also from another dimension. But she was tiny. She must have been about eight or nine.

"Hey! Let's play!" She suggested. Neptune patted her head.

"Sorry. Maybe later P-ko. You can play with Nanu and Nepgear." Nep suggested instead.

"I think I'll pass. I have a headache and need a nap." Nanu said as he walked to his room.

"Rest easy." Nepgear said as her brother raised his arm and waved her off.

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