Chapter 19: Trouble In Lastation Part 1

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Normal Nanu perspective

Today was going to be an eventful day. Noire decided that, instead of doing nothing, we were going to break into the Basilicom and learn more about this rumor going around. Apparently, people at the Lastation Basilicom were making artificial monsters to wage war on the other nations. We decided to investigate.

We made our way through a secret passageway Noire had built and found ourselves in a lab of sorts. "So it seems the rumors were true." I commented on a large turtle like creature with water cannons on its shell. It reminds me of something, but I just can't put my finger on it. Uni and Noire looked through documents, but didn't come up with anything useful. Just basic things a Basilicom should have. I found a strange book wedged in between two larger books. I decided to pull it out. "Hey, Noire. What is this doing here?" I called.

She came over and was shock at what seemed to be the book. "Where did you find that?!" She asked as she snatched it out of my hands.

"In here." I pointed to the wedged space. She grabbed her sword and started cutting it furiously. A slip of its pages fell to the floor. "'How to make babies?!'" I almost scream and burst into laughter.

"SHUT UP!!" Noire screamed and slashed the piece of paper.

"Quiet down over there!" Uni shouted. When she did, we were surrounded.

"What exactly are you doing here?" Asked a purple haired woman.

"Nothing much. Just investigating a rumor going around that you people are making fake monsters." Noire said. The woman only smiled.

"Hmph. So what if we are? What are you going to do, miss CPU?" She mocked us.

"We can do a lotta things." Uni shot back.

"No Uni. As the CPUs, we can't harm our citizens. Even if they are as vile as her." Noire explained.

"I can still attack her, right?" I asked. Noire smiled at me.

"Yes. But I won't let you anyway." She said. I sigh. "C'mon you two. We're leaving. We got what we came for." Noire said and started walking. We followed shortly after.

"I could've killed her, ya know." I stated as we walked to our hotel. This place became like a second home to us at this point. K-Sha ran up to us and greeted us.

"Welcome back. Did it go well?" She asked.

"Yes. We learned that a new Order has taken control of the Basilicom. We can't do much about it. But we can destroy the monsters as they come out." Noire said as she slammed herself on her bed.

"Oh! Before I forget. For you Nanu." She said handed me a cookie.

Uni snickered to herself. "Quite the charmer. Eh Nanu?" She nudged me in the shoulder.

"Oh, shut up. Besides, I can tell she's not into me." I said as I was about to bite into the cookie, but Gerrie started biting my leg.

"What? You want it?" I asked. He started whimpering and begging for the cookie. I sigh. "Sorry K-Sha." I apologize and give Gerrie the cookie. I heard K-Sha growl and she walked off. "Sometimes I wonder what is going on in her little head." I said to myself.

The next day was overall, uneventful. Noire went out to do something and didn't tell us what, leaving me here with K-Sha and Uni. The two didn't seem to hit it off too well. Just small talk and the occasional awkward silence. Suddenly, Uni decided to polish her gun and set it in the floor. "Oh! Is that yours, Uni?" K-Sha asked.

"Yeah it is. Are you by any chance, interested in guns?" Uni questioned back.

"Oh! Yes! I may not look it, but I'm quite the gun maniac myself." K-Sha explained. And they started talking about possible adjustments they could do. Pretty soon it started to smell like oil and bullets.

Finally, after what seemed like all day (which it was), Noire came back to check up on us. "Hey guys I'm- ack! It smells like oil!" Noire commented.

"If we take this part out, and replace it with this..." K-Sha was saying as she instructed Uni on what to do.

"How long have they been at this?" Noire asked.

"All day." I stated while reading a magazine.

"Geez. I'm sorry you had to listen to that all day." Noire said as she made a small laugh.

"Meh. Do what you gotta do." I said and dropped the magazine on my face. She laughed a little and left the two girls do their thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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