Chapter 5: Adjusting to New Life

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Since I've regained a small piece of my memories, I've been obsessed on doing experiments again. But nothing seemed to pop up. Until I got an idea.

"Hey, Histoire? What is Share energy?" I asked.

"Share energy is the energy of CPUs. Their source of power, and it allows them to transform." She said. "Why do you ask?" She asked.

I ignored her question. "I know that much, I've seen it happen. But what is it other than that? Do we know what else it can do?" I questioned.

"Umm... I'm not sure. Even I don't know that." Histoire said.

"Well, if you don't know, would you allow me to study it?" I questioned again. "Maybe I can find out more about it. Give it more uses." I added.

Histoire was thinking. "Okay then. Just don't make direct contact." She said.

I fist pump in the air and left the Basilicom. There was a lot to investigate. My first stop was the library, since I thought it would be a good idea to grasp the history of Gamindustri to find the first instance of Share energy. It sounded like a good starting point, but it was surprisingly difficult to pinpoint the direct origins of this world. The theory that pops up the most though was the "Singular CPU Theory", which states that there was once only one Goddess and one nation known as Xovan, and as Gamindustri expanded and technology developed, newer CPUs were born from from the people's differing faiths and beliefs. A nation known as Tari was the second nation made by man, led by the Goddess Blue Heart. Xovan and Tari went to war and destroyed each other. People who didn't participate in this war deserted and four more nations were born from the ashes of Tari and Xovan. Lowee was the first nation to be founded. Next was Lastation. Then Planeptune. Then Leanbox. From there, the CPUs of each nation eventually wanted more power for themselves, and began to fight each other. This conflict was known as the Console Wars, and went on for generations until finally reaching Neptune's generation. However, there is not much evidence to support that this Xovan existed in the first place, and while most of the events seem plausible, in the end, it's all just a theory.


After a few days of reading and research, I finally finished. I came back to tell of my discovery. "Okay guys, I think I got a lead." I said. This caught their attention, other than Neptune. I walk over to her and pull the game cord out of the outlet.

"Hey! Seriously?!" She complained.

"Whoops. Sorry about that, the cord just pulled itself out. How peculiar. It's almost like it wants you to listen." I said. She groaned and joined Histoire and Nepgear. "Okay. So, Share energy isn't just the power of the CPUs, it's the energy source of all Gamindustri. But I'm sure you already know that. Anyway, Share energy can be used to change one's body temporarily. You know that too. But it's not just used temporarily. With enough Shares entering a physical being, you can alter someone's body and keep it like that. For example, if I transfer Shares into big sis, we can change her body to look like that of an adult. In theory, that is." I said. Everyone was nodding their heads in comprehension. "Next, my second theory. Share energy can do just about anything. For example, you can convert it into a solid substance, like food. Or even a liquid, like tea or water. You this is how Share Crystals are made after all. And, with enough Share energy, you could even travel through dimensions." I said.

"That's very interesting. So what you are trying to say is, that if we gather more Share energy we could potentially send you back home." Histoire said. I nodded.

"To test my first theory, we need a test subject. A normal Dogoo should suffice." I said and looked at Neptune and Nepgear.

"What? You want us to get it?!" Nep asked. I smiled and nodded slowly.

"C'mon sis. Do it. For science!!" I shouted. After a minute of arguing, they left to get me that Dogoo. "Now I just need to set up a lab." I said and looked over to an empty room. I went in and started my work. I got all the nessasary components, such as computers, and all that good jazz. Unexpectedly, Plutia and Peashy came by for a visit and saw me working.

"Whatcha doing?" Peashy asked and ran up to me.

"Hey. Just setting up a lab for myself." I said. Plutia looked around.

"Where's Neppy?" Plutia asked.

"Getting my test subject." I told her. Just then, the doors open and in walks Neptune and Nepgear.

"We got him! He really likes Nepgear though." Neptune said as I see Nepgear trying to pull it away from her skirt.

"Bring him here." I said and open up a capsule. Nepgear struggled and eventually pulled him away and threw him into the capsule. "Now then... what should we do with him?" I wonder out loud.

"Try the ears! Make his ears bigger!" Peashy exclaimed. I smiled and couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay, the ears it is! Let the experiment begin!" I said and was about to pull the lever, when I stopped for something. "Histoire, watch the Share levels please. Don't want it to get too low. Let's increase the size by say...25 percent." I said. Now I pulled the lever. As the capsule started glowing, we watched as the Dogoo's ears slowly grew.

"It's working! It's working!" Peashy started shouting and jumping up and down.

"Shares at 75 percent!" Histoire shouted over the small blonde's laughing. I pulled the lever down and the light faded. Inside, the Dogoo's ears were now 25 percent bigger than the average Dogoo.

"It worked!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Now he needs a name..." I said and put my hand over my chin. A lightbulb went off. "Aha! His name will be Gerrie!" I said and pick him up. He seemed very tame now. Happily, he licked my chin and didn't make a fuss at all.

"What happened? He was all jumpy and aggressive when me and Nep Jr. went to get him." Neptune said.

"Perhaps the Shares we poured into him affected his brain." Nepgear suggested.

"Seriously? Cool! We have a pet Dogoo now!" Big sis said. I let Gerrie down and let him explore his new home. He looked over at Neptune. "Come here Gerrie." She said and patted her knees. He barked and hopped over into sis's arms.

"At least he knows his own name..." Histoire sighed. Peashy went over and wanted to hold him next. Nep allowed this and gave him over to the small blonde girl.

"Careful. Don't want to scare him, P-ko." I said. She let him down and let him wander about. I was mostly joking, but Peashy had some monstrous strength in her tiny body, so it was probably for the best she don't hold him for the time being.

"Well, this seemed to be a success. Shall we eat something?" Histoire suggested.

"I'll cook. I'm pretty good in the kitchen." I say. This confused me a bit. I don't remember being good at cooking, but the process of preparing food just felt so natural to me? Maybe it has something to do with how I was back home...?

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