Chapter 15: Dark Purple's Encore

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Just as we were running away from Giant Arfoire, Dark Purple's werewolf buddy showed up again to attack us. Me specifically. "Shit! I don't have time to play with you, mutt!" I shout.

It didn't respond too kindly, and just lunges at me, looking for a rematch. I blocked the attack with the blade of my claymore and push it away. "Dammit...!" I groan and engage in combat with Uzume, as Orange Heart, helping me out. Strike after strike, it was slowing us down so much that Arfoire was gaining on us. "Get out of my WAY!!" I shout and swing with much more force than I ever used before, sending the wolf flying into a tree.

"Huh...? Brosy! Look!" Orange Heart calls out and points to the wolf. I look over and see that there was no wolf anymore, but a brunette woman. "Should we bring her with us?!"

I stare at her for a little bit, but nod anyway. "I'll carry her back to the camp! Go on ahead!" I shout and pick up the unconscious woman. As I started to pick up speed, I see something fly overhead. A huge chunk of debris. Heading straight for Uzume and Nepgear. "Nepgear! Uzume! Watch out!!" I shout and block another claw attack.

Nepgear turned to see what I was talking about and panicked. "Watch out, Gearsy!" Uzume flies in and pushes Nepgear out of the way, but ends up taking the debris right to the face, knocking her out of her transformation and unconscious.


We returned to Uzume's home base and were relieved that Arfoire didn't follow us. Uzume had been hurt pretty bad in the chase, so we had to put her in bed. I also took the chance to put down our new "friend". Nepgear was out with Neptune gathering ingredients for Uzume's wounds, leaving with me with Umio to watch the camp. Neptune forgot her specimen book with Croire still inside, so I decided to watch her as well to make sure she doesn't try to escape. "Hey, when is Neptune gonna get back? I'm hungry..." She complained.

"If you're concerned, why did you just ditch her here?" I asked.

"Like I said kid. I record worlds' histories. I saw that giant thing and I got a little carried away." She defended.

I sighed and just decided to ignore her complaints. But then I realized something. "Wait, giant thing? You mean Dark Purple? But we defeated that thing before we met Neptune." I said.

"What, you thought there was just one? There's three more out there." Croire laughs to herself.

That wasn't good to hear. Uzume really didn't need to know about this though, so I kept quiet about it from here. I decided to also check on the wolf girl. Umio was watching her. "How is she?" I asked.

"She seems fine. Not many injuries that are too serious." He told me. That was good to hear.

I walk up, and it seems my footsteps woke her up. She could barely open her eyes, and she just growled at me. It seemed like she couldn't move her body as much.

"Hey, easy. I'm a friend." I told her and kneel down. I place the back of my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. She was fine. "Just sleep for now. We'll have a recovery ointment ready in a bit." I say and walks out slowly.

Pretty soon, Nepgear and Neptune came back as soon as they got the ingredients. Umio pitched in to help make the medicine while Neptune and Croire went to watch for Arfoire. In the meantime, I decided to train on another tree. I would end up wondering how big sis was doing back home. Hopefully trying to find a way to get us home with her.

Nepgear called about a few minutes later and told me to help apply the medicine. After another ten minutes of treating Uzume and the wolf girl guest, we all went out to get some food. Except Uzume herself. She was to stay bedridden until the ointment took effect.

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