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Park Jimin,

Do you believe in fate......?

The person who came into your life to ask for debt and the person who willingly welcome that person to wait and pay the debt....they can't be beautiful forever....

A curse can be sure and effective if the enthusiasm is too strong.

So do you believe in the afterlife as well.....?

To be able to carry the flaming hatred until the end of one the next life is very brilliant.

She bears no responsibility for our shared history, a history that unfolded in a different time, a different existence. But an enigmatic connection binds us, and my reactions remain beyond my control.

I can feel the anger rising within me every time I see her. The hatred I harbor for her runs deep, and it's a burden I carry every day.

More than 10 years, I've been dreaming of the same dream. I've aged and matured over the years, but this hatred remains as fresh as ever. It's a heavy burden to carry, a constant reminder of a past that refuses to fade away.

When the first moment I saw her, the wounds of the past are ripped open anew, and the flames of hatred burn bright once more. I can't explain why this hatred lingers, why my heart aches when I catch even a glimpse of her.

The prayers I asked, the curses I did with blood... I wanted to tear you apart if afterlife did exists.

Roseanne Lim,

Losers....burn themselves out every second and don't want to admit their faults because they lose.

They tend to be arrogant.....

They think they look like evil just by clapping their hands and making fun of the others.

I didn't even want to look closely at him who was born to abuse life with worthless morals. The hatred he harbors for me is a wound that cuts deep, and I can't fathom its source. I've committed no wrongdoing, and yet his eyes seethe with anger every time they meet mine.

He's a young billionaire genius business man, soon to be my husband, but I see him as nothing more than a pathetic loser who likes to torture others just because of his nonsense dreams.

I used to admire him, may be more than that or at least I thought I did. Now, all I see is a weak, pitiful man who thrives on making me feel small and insignificant. I despise the way he makes me question my self-worth, my sanity, and my choices.

I hate him with every fiber of my being, and every day that I remain in this toxic relationship, that hatred grows stronger.

"Don't look at me....I hate you too much."

"Dare to look at me and I will pop out those eyes.." He said.

I didn't even see him as a person without even a single good thing to dream about..

'Hmph...Losers are so fucking funny..'

Jennie Kim,

I've always been the kind of girl who knows how to get what she wants, and I won't deny it – I've got a beautiful face and the brains to match.

I have to use my brain carefully.....I have to paint other lives with many colors...If you say that I am a vixen...I will kiss your lip gently and tell you charmingly that beautiful face with a vicious brain is very satisfying..

I've mastered the art of pushing boundaries, testing limits, and enjoying the thrill of seeing others squirm. It's a game, really – to see just how far I can go before someone calls me out. Whether it's a little harmless gossip or orchestrating a grand spectacle, I can't resist the temptation to stir the pot. It keeps life interesting after all.

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