The Bonds

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"Mrs. Kim, please come with us. Mr. Kim is waiting for you in the car." While jogging early in the morning, Jennie meet with four giant men who are wearing black suit, out of nowhere.

Just by looking at the guns in their waist and the same tattoo on their neck, Jennie can already guess who these men are from.

She had thought that Kim Taehyung couldn't find her as she's away from the city center but indeed she can't hide too long from him.

"I'm not going anywhere. Move back!" Just as Jennie was about to leave, the phone ring from one of the men and without looking at the number, Jennie knows who is this from. Isn't Kim basement men only has their boss number in their phone?

"Mrs. Kim, Master wants to talk to you." One of the men handed her the phone with pleading look. If Jennie didn't accept Kim Taehyung's phone, then they are sure that they wouldn't even get to see the today's sunset as soon as they come back to Kim Taehyung.

Especially when their boss is in sour mood after coming back last night with some bruises on his face and a cut near his eyebrow. And the phone call from his stylist, J Hope make everything worse the situation.

"Jennie, I won't say twice. Come back to me or else I won't hesitate to kill the one who accepts you to stay in his house and the one who you carry last night. You know me well, Jennie. I don't do threatening things. I'm giving you a chance." Kim Taehyung ended the call as soon as he had said these words.

Because he couldn't stand hearing Jennie's voice. At least not right now. Kim Taehyung was sure he will end up killing someone as soon as Jennie started to say disobedience words like she used to.

J Hope had told everything to him last night. By taking Park Jimin as a shield, Jennie moves so carefully that even the vicious Kim Taehyung has never even imagined in his life that Jennie Kim is addicted to Roseanne Park.

With all well planned, even using her own friend to stir problems between Park Jimin and Roseanne, Jennie Kim is so smart, smarter than Kim Taehyung has imagined. After knowing all of Jennie's plans to have Roseanne, Kim Taehyung was in utter shock that he couldn't even talk to anyone since then. Even his master brain seems to stop all of the sudden when it comes to Jennie.

Kim Taehyung didn't know anything all this long, just because Jennie Kim didn't even go outside for a week, he has thought that she becomes tame after their last argument but it turns out that she's directing everything in silent.

As well as knowing how much Jennie Kim is addicted to Roseanne Park, for the very first time in his life, Kim Taehyung feels hopeless. Even when his father abandoned him, he didn't feel anything at all but the thought of Jennie Kim not being in his life, terrify Kim Taehyung like a ghost.

"Darling, your eyebrow and your lip....what happened?" As soon as Jennie went inside the car, Kim Taehyung was sitting in a daze not even looking at her.

By seeing the bruise on his lip and a cut near his eyebrow, make Jennie worry without even knowing herself. This is the very first time in their six years relationship, she has seen Kim Taehyung with bruises.

But the moment Jennie was about to touch his bruise on the lip, Kim Taehyung immediately stopped her by holding her wrist tightly.


"Nothing happen. Just shut up and sit silent for a while." Jennie immediately withdraw her hand as if she has just regain conscious.

"If you want to break up with me just because of what I did, it's okay. I know that it's unforgivable..."

"Jennie Kim! I said shut the fuck up!" Kim Taehyung grab Jennie's neck and push her body toward the car door, trapping her body with his and leaning closer to her face where Jennie can even feel Kim Taehyung's hot breath near her lip.

"I will only choose should let go of me." Jennie said even in Kim Taehyung's tight grip.

The teary red eyes in front of his face is much beautiful that he can't able to let go...

"And I will always choose you, only you, that's why please silent and give me a time to figure out all of this." Kim Taehyung let go of her neck and sit back in his seat.

"Darling, even if I said I don't want you, are you going to cling on me until the end?"

"Because I love you, Jennie Kim....I love you so much that rather than let go of you, I will just let go of myself. Why can't you see me even after the years we have spent together? Or are you thinking about her all the time while we are together? Wait. Don't answer. I don't think I can stand your answer without killing her."


"Jennie Kim! Listen to me. You have no idea to let go of her, right? Then, fine. Go ahead. And love her as much as you want. I will be standing here and waiting for you in silence. Do whatever you want to do and get whatever you want to have. I will try to ignore you without interfering anything in your business, is it okay for you?"

"But to be break up with you...just give me more time, Jennie. If you suddenly disappear from my life, I don't think I can handle this much in a short period. Like giving up drugs and alcohol, let's start slowly loosen our six years bonds. The moment I can stay unattached with you, then it's over. Your life will be free from me at that time. Until then, even if you don't love me and you can't stand my existence around you, please endure me for a while, Jennie."

"This is my first and last request to you. I think at least I deserve this for everything I've done for you in six years. Even if you are ready to apart with me, I'm not. And I don't think I will never be. I've always said that I will kill anyone who you have in your heart but when it comes to reality, I don't think I can. Because out of all people I know the best of the feeling of losing someone who we truly love, Jennie."

"Baby, you know me the best that even a scratch in your body, terrified me badly that I can't even sleep peacefully until the bruise gone. That's why I would rather end my life than seeing you cry for someone you love and looking at me with hatred eyes. Instead I will just choose your fake affection. Even that much I love you, Jennie. And I'm sure that because my love is true and everything I've done for you is real with no fakes, it will be reflected one day."

Jennie didn't say anything as she only looks out of the car window and quietly sitting.

Kim Taehyung just want to hug her and cry out loud that how much she is so cruel to him and never even look at him once. It must be easy for Jennie to break all the ties between them because she has no feelings for him from the very start.

Kim Taehyung just want to laugh himself that how much he looks like a fool in front of her, sticking all the pieces of their split bonds into one and even saying that it's never broken before.

Kim Taehyung is the reality man. He didn't trust the past, dreams and the uncertain future, he only believes in present. And he is the only one who can love Jennie incomparably. Even if he doesn't believe in anything, he believes in Jennie that she will come back to him willingly this time. And he will make sure of it.

Because Jennie Kim is Kim Taehyung's life and

Jennie Kim's life is also Kim Taehyung

Jennie Kim only has to see it, and he will handle everything behind.

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