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"Secretary Ken, Is Park Jimin beside you?"

"No, Mrs. Park. Didn't Master Park come back home last night?"

"Yes. I've been calling his phone for a thousand time since last night but he didn't pick up so that I thought he's probably busy. Huh. Guess I'm wrong."

If it's the past days, Roseanne will just neglect his absence but since they are really in good term in these days, accompanying each other to sleep and cuddling every night, it's become strange for Roseanne to sleep alone last night.

"Master Park meet up with his friends last night so probably he is at Master Jeon's house. Should I check up on Master Park's location?"

"No. No. It's okay. I'm not worried about him at all. It's just that there is an early meeting in one of his hotels as the end of the month. It's okay I'll go just by myself."

In a relationship that can't be defined as completely smooth and peaceful situation, Roseanne couldn't always expect Park Jimin to come back home every single night.

But since he has changed a lot in these past few weeks, Roseanne has thought again that they can really be together. And every time she thought about happily ever after, Park Jimin and his behaviors were the one who always crashed her dreams into pieces.

When Park Jimin left home yesterday, he had said that, "Baby, I really don't want to leave you alone but Hubby really needs to go and do my work so that I can provide you with everything you need and decorate your body with diamond from head to toe. But I promise I will come back as soon as my works are done."

'What a liar...The work he mentioned was to meet with his friends? The work he mentioned was to meet with Jennie? Of course since Secretary Ken said he was with his friends, so Jennie Kim is also in the group!'

The more Roseanne thinks about that the angrier she becomes as she speed up her steps towards the hotel's meeting room.

"Mrs. Park!"

"Mrs. Park!"

The moment Roseanne was about to open the door, one of the female staffs come in a rush.

"What happens?"

"The guest who has just booked last night was yelling and cursing a lot in the room now. And according to the neighbor room, they also heard the things were being destroyed. Thus the guests are complaining about that they can't sleep well."

"Huh. How dare they...Let's go." Since Roseanne is in charge here, she couldn't neglect and let the stuffs to handle the situation. As this kind of small action can hurt their hotel's image.

"You can't treat me like that!"

"You can't neglect like nothing happened after fucking me as you like. I'm not the same as your past whores!"

Even before Roseanne reach to the room, the loud voice of a woman has already greeted her miserably.

Roseanne hated this kind of action the most. The two has already spent the night according to their will to fulfill both of their needs but acting like nothing happened when the morning come, is the most unacceptable situation.

Some employees and guests are already in front of the room poking a nose to other's business.

"Excuse me, I'm the in charge person here...."

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