The Villainous Eyes

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Around six o'clock at night...the guards were startled when the black Buggati limited edition car drove into the mansion...all the decorated vases along the path of the entrance were knocked down by the car but Park Jimin, didn't seem to care at all.

It takes a little time to even get from the entrance of the Park mansion to the house. The courtyard is very spacious and beautifully decorated, and it feels like a palace.

When Park Jimin stopped the car and waited for a while, a worker from the yard came and opened the car door. Park Jimin got out of the car and rushed to the house. The maids who were waiting at the door lowered their heads, like suspects who had been arrested, they knew Park Jimin's temper and they knew his characteristics when he got really angry so they didn't dare to even look at straight at his face.

Park Jimin threw the car keys on the table and sat on the sofa in the living room. He knew that even if he comes home, there is no-one who is waiting for him, so instead he waited his father to show up.

Park Jimin stare at the new, expensive furniture in the living room. Fresh, bright colors.....

It was used to be elegantly beautiful with bold colors when his mother was alive. His mother really like bold colors, until her last day she wore the bold red lipstick.

But now, his father married a 28 years old girl who is only 2 years older than him. So as the girl likes, the whole house is full of childish colors and the decorations...

The house that his mother built...full of his mother's atmosphere....but now that woman is doing everything that she wants to do in this mansion without even feeling guilty is the worst thing that he encounters every time he comes home.

The more he thoughts the more he feels angry over the woman who is responsibility for his mother's death.

Without caring anyone, Park Jimin took out his cigarette even though he knows that smoking in the mansion is forbidden....

When he was a teenager, if he saw his mother was smoking, he followed his mother's smoking habits and if his mother was using some sort of drugs, he also used some of it....since he was young, his mother had always been a role model for him.

'This world is so unfair to the people who don't have money and family backgrounds. So if you want to rule over people's life and death, you must have power and money to do it. If you want to face this crazy world where people kill each other for surviving, you have to become one of it.'

His mother's logics are always his favorite lullaby. "You don't need to love your father, Jimin because even he doesn't love me, there is no way he will love you either. Jimin, you have to look out for yourself, even if it means that you have to use inappropriate methods, winning is the first priority. Don't even think about love, bonds, and kindness which will only break you and turn you into a fool..."

"People always aimed a weak one, a sensitive one."

"Don't let your imagination, anger and short temper ruin over your life."

"People make more mistakes when they are angry."

"Son, you have to be strong... You must teach a good lesson to your father's irresponsibility towards our family... Don't cry about anything.... Even if I died, don't cry. Just give trouble to the person who caused my death."

Park Jimin could never get out of the words that his mother said every night. The more his mother's elegant appearance fell, the more he hated his father.

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