The Innocent Card

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"Darling..." Once in the car, Jennie started calling out in small voices. "I want to give a party tonight to celebrate this achievement."

"But Jen.."

"Hmm...Darling..., I know that you have an important meeting tonight.... However I can't ignore my friends, they are also the reasons why NIEEH has become worldwide..Don't you think that I should celebrate for them?"


"I know I know...I promise I won't do anything that will makes you worry...however my bodyguards will report you in anyway...So when will I get the chance to do?....Please...Darling."

"Huh. You must be really in the good mood." Kim Taehyung said while driving with one hand and other hand was intertwining with Jennie's little one.

"Yes..I am. That's why don't ruin my good mood and just accept my request, hmm...Darling." Jennie plants small little kisses on Kim Taehyung's knuckles while tightly holding his palm and clinging her whole body on his arm like a koala as she continues to say, "How about we celebrate together after party? By that time your meeting is already over right? I'll come early before you arrived the codon....and prepare something for you...? are the main reason of all this success...I should give back the gratitude sincerely."

Kim Taehyung directly got the message Jennie want to send through her words...Did this woman really think..that sex is the only one he wants from her?

But not wanting to ruin the mood...However it's so rare that Jennie Kim in such a good mood...

"How can I say 'No' to that generous offer? Then it will be my honor to receive."

"Yess! Darling, you are the best." Like a kid who got a candy she wants, Jennie rely on his shoulders, and kiss his cheek passionately until her nose dip into his cheek.

Kim Taehyung may not be as gentle as a Jennie wants, but side of his lip curl up, prove that Kim Taehyung was happy with the situation.

Kim Taehyung wanted to pour out everything he has to Jennie, only if she live obediently beside him...Kim Taehyung was the man who will gradually give up his life...if Jennie said she wants it...The only thing she has to do is stay by his side...coax him with sweet little white lies....Kim Taehyung wants to believe it all only if it's come out from her mouth...whether the truth or not....he didn't care...if it's Jennie Kim who is talking.

"What will it be like if we live like this forever, without arguing a lot?"

"It is the arguments that keeps this relationship exciting. Darling, just imagine, without arguments...don't you think it will be so boring? Always doing the lovey dovey things?" Jennie pout her lip as she continues, "I don't want to adjust my feelings to fit in something that I don't belong. I don't want to act like I'm happy even though I'm not. Even though I'm good at faking my smiles in front of people, I don't want to fake my smile and emotions when it comes to you."

Kim Taehyung pulled the car to the side and stopped. He couldn't stand Jennie continuously coaxing him with sweet little voices....touches and kisses for more than a minute.

"Darling, why did you.."

"Mrs. Kim, I'm a business man now. I don't trust the pre compromises. What can you do for me to be rest assured about your words earlier, Vixen?"

Kim Taehyung raised his eyebrows and smile mischievously while looking at the person in front of him, who's pretending to have no idea about what he is saying. Does the villainous Jennie Kim suddenly lost consciousness?


"Kiss me."

"I don't know how to kiss, Darling. I'm so innocent."

"Playing an innocent card again?....I'm sorry to say but your card didn't work on Kim Taehyung....Kiss me, Jennie Kim."

With that, Jennie made her pair of lips sync with his lips. It's not like sucking and kissing, but just pressing the two lips together....clearly saying that she has no experience in kissing....hmph..Jennie Kim...who are you kidding with?

Kim Taehyung's mouth crashed down on Jennie's, as his fingers came at the back of her neck and his other hand cupped her cheek. His lips conquered Jennie's, his tongue tasting the seam of her mouth, sucking at her tender lower lip, demanding entrance.

Heat flushed through from both of their bodies, and Jennie parted her lips.... No more acting like a naive... A flicker of submission and Kim Taehyung plunged his tongue into her mouth, tasting her whole mouth.

From the very first time they had kissed to until now, he have never been bored with her lips. Kisses are even take place in part of their daily routine, but every time they kiss, it's always turned into intense.

Kim Taehyung loves Jennie Kim very much....In most of the people childhood, almost every child has been asked about who do they love more, Mommy or Daddy?

But if someone asks him who Kim Taehyung loves more, Mommy or Daddy? Then he wouldn't think twice to answer....Jennie Kim. That much Kim Taehyung loves her....more than anything else.

Even if Jennie Kim was wrong, he would gradually hide the truth and stand beside her...proving everyone that Jennie Kim is always right...whatever the problems, situations turn, Jennie Kim is always right. No questions are needed to be asked.

Kim Taehyung's palm sliding from her neck to her lower back. Small sparks of electricity followed in his touch's wake Jennie as she push his chest.

"Darling, be patience and wait for tonight...maybe your patience will be worth it." Jennie make a shy face and leaned back on his shoulders.

"Hmm. Then I will be looking forward to it." Kim Taehyung said as he started the engine, heading back towards the road.

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