The Time(part2);Chapter 23

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Two hours has already passed since the opening time. Everyone was busy working because the coffee shop was crowded with customers. They were talking at the same time, but not loud enough to not hear each other’s voices.

The place was noisy because the construction workers were shouting and laughing at the corner of the room. They were joking around and having fun because they were just about to go to work.

“10 more minutes and we’ll finally have peace in this place.” Tyler told himself.

The construction workers have been eating at this place ever since Tyler started working here.

Peyton told Tyler that they just started this new building around the block.

“They’ll be here for a while.” Peyton told Tyler last time.

The room was still cold even though a lot of customers were around and even though the door was open most of the time. Customers were entering and exiting the shop continuously. It is good for the business, but it is tiring for the employees.

Tyler just finished getting the order of a parent and a child when the room fell more silent than usual.

“Did they already left?” Mike asked aloud and saw that the construction workers were still there.

Tyler followed Mike’s gaze and saw the men looking at someone with awe. They all stared at a girl with their mouth half open.

“Someone finally made them shut up.” Tyler took note.

A beautiful girl was standing in the middle of the room with a man escorting her. She wore a blouse designed with flowers and her hair was pony-tailed. She has her skinny jeans with her and flats that look comfortable for her.

“Hailey,” Tyler whispered to himself. “And Ethan.” Ethan was just beside Hailey. He was scanning everyone inside the room and he held Hailey’s hips incase something bad happens.

As if. Tyler thought. If I knew better, I think he's just taking advantage of her or he's making those men jealous.

Tyler didn’t know what to do. He wanted to hide because his secrets will be spoiled. He wanted to go see them and ask how are they doing. But he was unsure with that idea.

Tyler hid behind a tall man, tall enough to make him invisible. While Ethan and Hailey walked across the room. Both of them are standing out and is obviously are not from here. The way they dress is just different. They dress the same way as Tyler, or Seth, before. But Tyler learned to blend in.

“Their looks just make them stand out in the crowd. Especially Hailey. I mean, of course Ethan too. But especially with her blouse and her skinny legs. I mean, never mind.” Tyler decided not to talk to himself anymore.

Hailey and Ethan sat at a table for two. Mike and other employees, including women (for Ethan), scrambled to their table. They were excited to talk to them and ask what will their orders be.

In the end, Anna, one of the girl employees, succeeded the race because she was able to ask both customers their orders.

“How come nobody did that when I first came here?” Tyler argued with himself and suddenly remembered about ‘Not Talking to Himself’ rule.

After deciding which food to order, Anna left gleefully and gave their order to the chef.

“I’m pretty sure she ordered pancakes.”

Shut up! The inner Tyler said.

Tyler decided to change his hiding spot and moved to the back of the restaurant. Ethan and Hailey are still visible though.

Tyler asked Anna whether how long would they stay. Anna told him that they might stay for a while.

“I heard the hot guy asked the lucky girl whether where she wants to go after their not-so-interesting-breakfast-because-I’m-not-he’s-with breakfast.”

And all Tyler could reply was a nod.

Anna took the pancakes and a cup of coffee.

“Whose order is that?” Tyler asked.

Anna looked at Hailey and Ethan and looked back to Tyler.

“The girl’s?” Tyler patiently asked.

Anna nodded and Tyler felt a little bit happy inside and finally hid inside the kitchen.

“Why are they taking so long?” Tyler asked Anna with terror in his face as he pulls Anna inside the kitchen.

“Dude, they’ve only been eating for 10 minutes. Give them a break!”

“What’s wrong anyway?” Anna asked with a hint of teasing at her voice.

“Nothing,” Tyler replied, sounding defensive.

“You sure?”

Tyler nodded and looked at her in the eyes.

“Well, you don’t seem alright. But whatever you say so.” Anna finally left and took some more orders from the customers.

5 minutes has passed and Tyler still doesn’t know what to do, still confused and still uncertain and worried about the possible consequences of his actions. He is also now thinking about the reactions of his friends and Peyton.

“My friends will be so mad at me. Especially Peyton. I lied to her for Pete’s sake. Big mistake. Big mistake. Oh no, what should I do. I will hurt them and they might never talk to me ever again. Or I could just—“

“TYLER!! WHERE ARE YOU?” Tyler heard Peyton shout for his name.

“I’M RIGHT HERE!” Tyler shouted back.

“Where the hell are—“ Peyton found Tyler sitting inside the kitchen. “What are you doing?” Peyton asked and placed her hand by her hip.

“Um, taking a break?”

“Can you please work first? There are so many customers outside.” Peyton hugged Tyler and whispered something in his ear.

“That. Tickles.” Tyler whispered. “Okay, okay, okay.” Tyler quietly said but Peyton still continued.

“Okay, okay, I’ll get out of here and start working.”

Tyler sighed and walked to the door.

“Thank you!” Peyton said and continued, “It doesn’t mean you’re close with the owner’s daughter means you can take looong breaks.” Peyton cutely and jokingly said.

Tyler made a thumbs-up motion and glanced at Peyton’s reaction and smiled.

Tyler walked towards the table of Hailey and Ethan. He’s not sure with what he’ll say, but he’s sure that his friends will understand. He walks slowly and glanced behind if Peyton was following him.

“Clear,” Tyler said and laughed inside, feeling weird and geeky. But is still scared for the next possible happening.

He reached their table and before he could say anything, Hailey was the first who got the turn to talk.

“Seth,” Hailey said with tears slowly falling from her eyes.


I know I always say this but, please comment? I need some suggestions and comments guys and gals! Thanks! :) I promise to reply. :D haha thanks

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