Inside Hailey&Ethan's Heart;Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (Thursday)

Hailey woke up because her eyes hurt like they’ve been punched by someone. But the truth is, she’s been crying yesterday, wishing and hoping for Seth to come back. She got out of bed and checked her phone, hoping that Amelia texted her that Seth came back from somewhere or Seth at least texted her that he’s okay. No messages. She checked the time and it was already 9:00 in the morning.

It’s been a day since Seth has been missing. Hailey thought and pouted her lips. Seth didn’t even leave a message for me. A short message will be enough! He didn’t even texted me or called me that he’s going to leave and hide somewhere else. What kind of best friend is he? I’m so worried for him. What if something’s wrong? He should’ve at least said goodbye. Hailey thought, making her eyes overflow with tears all over again.

Hailey removed her tears with the back of her hand, sat straighter and breathed heavily. She doesn’t want to cry anymore. Especially for someone who didn’t even take time to say goodbye. She’s tired of crying and just wanted to have some fun. Then she remembered Ethan. Where is he? I fell asleep last night while watching movies with him. I was sobbing in his shoulder yesterday as we watch like seven movies straight. He was patting my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I tried my best to stop because I don’t want to look like a crybaby. After that, I fell asleep and can’t remember the next thing that happened. Where the hell is that guy too? Well, it has been nice to have a friend come over and watch my favorite movies. Peyton considered.

Hailey’s hands were not enough for her tears, so she get herself a tissue beside her phone and saw a green sticky note. The note was from Ethan. It says,

Good morning Hailey! I hope you're doing fine. I'm sorry that I didn't wake you up, it's just that you seem very tired so I didn't bother. I didn't ask your mom if I can spend the night with you because that would be kinda awkward even if we're obviously just friends. Anyway, call me as soon as you read this note because I got to tell you something! My news is really worthy of excitement! So, call me ASAP! -Ethan

Hailey wondered what the news is all about. Maybe it’s about Seth. Hailey’s heart said but her mind shouted a different thing, NO! I should stop thinking about him. He’s okay wherever he is. He is fine. This is his choice. He’s happy wherever he is. After fighting with herself, Hailey dialed Ethan using her phone. After a few rings, Ethan answered the phone.

"Hey Ethan," Hailey said, trying her best to sound happy.

"Hey!" Ethan exclaimed. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," Hailey replied, trying better than her best this time. "So what are you going to tell me?"

"Can I ask it to you personally? I mean, go there and ask you?"

“Why not ask me now?”

“It’s better when we talk about it in person.”

"Fine,” Hailey groaned, “I'll just take a bath first."

"Okay, I'm about to leave my house."

"Okay, drive slowly so that you can give me more time!"

 Ethan chuckled, "Whatever, bye!"

Hailey hang up and groaned harder, hoping to have more time to take a bath.

Afterwards, Hailey took a short bath because Ethan might tease her when he catches her taking a bath too long. Hailey wore her house clothes: a short, a sleeveless shirt, and slippers. Hailey only wears make-up when there's an occasion, but if she doesn't need to then she won't bother.

Hailey doesn’t like getting too much attention. She doesn’t really like it when people tell her she’s pretty. But it’s different when Seth tells her she’s pretty. She remembered the graduation party; Seth told her that she looked fantastic. During that time, it gave her a chill through her body. It made her heart beat fast like crazy. Hailey is uncertain if she feels something special for Seth, if she likes him or not, or if she likes to have a relationship with Seth besides being just friends. For Seth, they’re just friends and that’s it. At present, Hailey doesn’t know what kind of feelings do she has for Seth, but all she knows is that she can never live without Seth.

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