Hanging Out With Peyton Again?!;Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Tyler woke up 6:30 in the morning for work. He was still sleepy because he wasn’t able to sleep good last night.

Tyler stood from his bed and went to take a bath.

After getting into his clothes, Tyler made himself coffee to prevent his head to move back and forth.

Finally, Tyler took his room keys and left his apartment.

On the way to work, Tyler saw people jogging around with their dogs. Some of them smiled to Tyler which made Tyler’s day quite better.

While walking for work, Tyler’s heart was beating fast for he’s worried that Peyton’s dad might not like him.

On the other hand, he tried his best to calm himself.

Tyler found himself standing outside Peyton’s coffee shop. Tyler looked through the glass door and there was no one there.

The lights were turned off and chairs were on top of the tables.

Tyler checked his watch and saw it was already 7:28.

“Peyton must be running late…” Tyler thought.

Tyler turned his back at the coffee shop and waited for Peyton.

After a few minutes of waiting, Tyler saw Peyton running towards him. Peyton was waving her hands in the air. She was shouting something to Tyler but Tyler can’t make out the words she’s saying.

Peyton finally stood beside Tyler and she was breathing heavily.

Peyton tiredly said, “My dad…” Peyton inhaled more air, “Told me to text you that the coffee shop will not open today.”

Tyler confusedly asked, “Then why didn’t you text me? Why did you come here instead?”

Peyton stared at Tyler’s eyes and smiled suspiciously, “Because I don’t want us to be late!”

Tyler’s face was more confused than before. Tyler asked, “Late for wha—“But before Tyler can finish his question, Peyton grabbed his hand and lead him to a bus stop.

While waiting for the bus to arrive, more people gathered around the bus stop. Tyler tried to find an opportunity to ask Peyton the same question he was supposed to ask her a while ago, but she was too busy talking to other people who happen to eat at the coffee shop.

It started when a man asked Peyton why she was here. Peyton replied that the coffee shop will be closed today. When she said that, more people gathered around her and asked why they were close today.

She simply said that their head chef wasn’t feeling good.

Some people just simply nodded while most of them commented, “Awww… That’s too bad for the head chef… And for me! I mean, I’ve been eating breakfast at your coffee shop for years!”

And some of them are like, “That sucks! I love eating pancakes at your coffee shop!”

Peyton on the other hand simply said sorry. She also said that they will be open for tomorrow anyway.

Peyton also thanked them for being a loyal customer.

When people finally left Peyton alone, Tyler finally had the chance to ask Peyton the question he’s been begging to ask.

“Hey Peyton, what are we late for?”

Peyton looked at Tyler with her beautiful eyes and smiled. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and said, “We’re hanging out with my friends today!”

Worry flashed through Tyler’s face. “What! Why am I going too?”

 “Well, I want you to know them better.” Peyton sounded happy but her happiness faded when she understood Tyler’s expression. She knew that she pushed Tyler too much.

But Peyton didn’t give up. She thought of an idea and continued, “I mean, I thought that there is something going on between us…  And if there is then I want you to meet my friends but it seems that I’m in a wrong page… Maybe I’ve mistaken our relationship… I just, I don’t know…” Peyton slightly bowed her head, hoping that her flirty talk worked.

Tyler’s heart was now beating fast. It was throbbing in his chest strongly.

Did she just say that there is something going on between us? My cheeks! They’re burning! My heart… My heart feels like it wants to leave my body. It’s like making a hole in my chest to have freedom. It freaking hurts!

Tyler wants to say something, but he doesn’t know what words are to be used. Finally Tyler managed to say, “Oh… Well…” Tyler scratched his back neck and nervously thought for more words to say.

Peyton didn’t give him a chance though, “I’m so sorry… I should’ve thought this through… I just thought that you will agree and like I said, I thought that there is something going on between us…”

Peyton looked into Tyler’s eyes and Tyler did the same. Tyler didn’t notice that he was holding his breath for a long time.  His muscles were aching because he wasn’t moving. 

Tyler didn’t know what to say because no one ever told him those words before.

Peyton stared a bit longer, waiting for Tyler’s reply. Tyler seemed ran out of words to say, so Peyton disappointedly whispered to herself, “I’m so stupid… I should’ve known that this would happen…”

Peyton was about to walk away when Tyler grabbed her hand and kissed Peyton on her forehead.

Peyton’s eyes widened with shock. She didn’t know that this will happen.

After kissing her forehead, Tyler held Peyton’s shoulder and waited for her reaction.

Tyler saw in Peyton’s expression that she was shocked.

Tyler worriedly said, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…” Tyler’s voice softened, “It’s just that, I feel the same about you.”

Peyton’s eyes beamed at Tyler. They smiled at each other while the crowd was looking and pointing at them. The women from the crowd were giggling and some of the men were whistling.

They stared at each other’s eyes until the bus finally came to halt at the bus stop.


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